Chapter 1

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        I smooth out my dress for the hundredth time, trying to smooth out the nerves with them. Today is the day. It is the day I’ll get the results of my test.

         I took the test weeks ago with the rest of my school, giving a blood sample along with a written test. The blood test freaked me out, honestly, but it's so worth it. If I'm accepted, I'm in Whitmore Prep! Do you know how big of a deal that is? It's the best boarding school in all of Wyoming. Colleges will be getting in line to accept me, not the other way around.

        “Clementine Hark.” A bird-like secretary caws from behind her desk. I stand, and move from the other nervous students.

        “I prefer Tine” I give a small smile to the lady. She ignores me, so I move into the office as the previous teenagers had done. Inside is a very modern styled office, with a business woman behind the desk. Her slim, mocha fingers flip through my papers, her sharp eyes examining them over her cat eyed glasses. Her thick, curly hair is pulled into a tight bun, making her long face even sharper.

        “Sit down, Ms. Hark” She motions towards the chair, her voice having a slight accent. I do as I was told, and sit lightly on the edge of the seat, my hands running down my lap again. We sit in silence as she looks through the papers, looking bored.

        “I believe you will be a good fit for our school, Clementine” She sighs, finally putting the papers on the desk.

        “Really?” I laugh, covering my mouth.

        “Yes. Not well enough to fit the Honors classes, but enough for the normal ones.”

        “Thank you so much, Ms.-” I look down at the name plate, “Terra”

        “You may call me Headmaster” She looks at me over her glasses and gives me a small smile.

        “And I would prefer if you’d call me Tine.” I smile back.

        “Tine…” Headmaster thinks for a second, “Yes, that will do.”

        I fold my hands in my lap and try not to show how ecstatic I am. Headmaster picks up a folder from her right and holds it out for me to take. “Every student at Whitmore must complete an end of year project to present for the rest of the school. The related details are in there, along with your transfer papers.” I take the packet and turn it around.

        “I’m very excited to start” I beam, looking at the first page.

        “And we’re excited to have you as a part of our school, Tine.” We smile at each other in silence, and I start to squirm in my seat, uncomfortable.

        “Should I send the next person in?” I laugh nervously, glancing at the door I entered through.

         “Yes, thank you.” She sticks out her hand and I shake it again before gladly exiting the office. Once I am out of the door, the bird secretary calls for the next as I move past the other applicants awaiting their fate. 

        I walk out of the building into the warm afternoon, hugging the file to my chest. I take a deep breath before breaking into a happy dance, jumping from foot to foot as my braid spins around to hit my face. I almost start squealing before I see movement out of the corner of my eye. Crap, someone saw that. I move quickly, in control of my emotions, to my truck. It's by far the oldest, most beat up vehicle out here. Oh well. I call my mom. 

        “Tine?” She answers after the first ring.

        “I got in!” I squeal, breaking into another happy dance before whirling around, looking for nearby people.

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