"Hey," Jack took her hand, which was colder than ice, "You know how I died? I died saving my sister. Don't care what other people think, just think about who's important"

Elsa's widened. "Your dead?"

"Uh yeah...sorta..." Jack laughed and scratched the back of his head.

He can't believe he just told Elsa about his sister. He didn't even tell North that. His pretty sure Tooth already knows. But then again, he feels a bit better about Jamie. As if he had encouraged himself and Elsa to carry on and let go.

"Thank you," Elsa smiled, "Your not that bad, Frost guy"

Jack grinned. "Back to you, Snowflake"

He hadn't realized he was still holding Elsa's hand. It made his insides flutter. Elsa was smiling him right now, her one eyebrow slightly raised at there linked hands. She didn't seem to mind.

Was it him or was she leaning closer? He felt himself leaning closer too. So cold...but somehow warm. He liked this feeling.


"HEY! BREAK IT UP, YOU TWO!" Hiccup yelled through the window. Toothless shrieked in agreement.

"HICCUP! YOU RUINED IT!" Rapunzel yelled at him, jumping through the window. Elsa and Jack quickly stood up and blushed. They quickly let go of each others hands.

"YA, WAY TO GO, YA DOPE!" Merida yelled, throwing a pebble at Hiccup and jumping through the window with Rapunzel into Jamie's room.

"OW!" Hiccup shouted rubbing his head. He clambered through the window and told Toothless to wait outside.

"Why did you have to do that?" Rapunzel snapped at him.

She had taken her big coat off and now she was wearing a purple dress with no shoes. Her chameleon and frying pan was clearly visible.

"What? It was getting mushy!" Hiccup protested, clanking his metal leg.

"Ya could've waited a little longer!" Merida argued.

"Uh, guys..." Jack started.

"Were you spying?" Elsa interrupted, raising her eyebrow.

"Rapunzel started it!" Hiccup said, raising his hands in defense.

"No! It was Merida!" Rapunzel argued and Pascal nodded in agreement.

"No it wasn't!" Merida folded her arms.

"Guys-" Jack tried to intervene.

"You were the first one here" Hiccup said, nodding and ignoring Jack.

"No!" Merida yelled, her red hair flying crazily.

"Yes!" Hiccup argued back.






"Jack?" Jamie rubbed his eyes and sat bolt upright.

Merida and Hiccup immediately shut up. Everyone was a bit shocked. There they were, cramped in Jamie's room. Jack was face-palming in embarrassment, Merida and Hiccup were still glaring at each other and Elsa was making snowflakes and Rapunzel tried to make her spilled the beans about her and Jack. 

"Oh...Hi...Jamie" Jack laughed awkwardly.

He wasn't sure what to do. At least Jamie knew the other guardians. But he had no idea who Elsa. Merida, Rapunzel and Hiccup were.

"Who's tha wee lad?" Merida asked, sitting next to Jamie's.

"Aw, his actually kinda cute" Rapunzel cooed, sitting next to Merida and pinching Jamie's cheek.

"Cute?" Jamie's made a face. Jack laughed. 

"What's your name?" Elsa asked kindly, creating a tiny snowman from her hands and making it jump around Jamie's head.

Jamie looked awed. "You have ice powers too?"

"Yes, I am Elsa" Elsa created a big snowflake to shower down on Jamie.

"Jamie," Jack said, "This is Hiccup" 

"Dragon trainer" Hiccup tried his best not to look scrawny. His attempt failed but he still impressed Jamie.

"Dragon?" Jamie asked in awe.

"My name is Merida," Merida introduced in her Scottish accent, "Best archer'' She shot an arrow straight between the ears of an old toy bunny Jamie had.

Jamie's smile widened.

"Hi! I'm Rapunzel!" Rapunzel said happily, "Uh...I have...hair?" She pulled her long, thick braid from behind her back.

"TOOTHLESS!" Hiccup boomed. There was a loud crash as Toothless squeezed through the window and knocked over a desk lamp. "TOOTHLESS, I SAID STAY OUTSIDE!"

"Wow..." Jamie gaped. Jack felt himself relax. Even though it was a little embarrassing in the starting it seemed okay now.

"So why are you all here?" Jamie asked.

Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel were all crammed with Jamie on his bed while Jack, Elsa and Toothless remained standing (Actually, Toothless was in a half-crouch half-squashed position).

"Pitch's back" Jack answered, turning serious. "We need you to keep alert"

Jamie gave a soldier salute.

"What is this?" Rapunzel picked up Jamie's desk lamp.

"Rapunzel, concentrate!" Elsa snapped, biting her lip at the mention of Pitch.

"Loosen up, Snowflake!" Jack laughed and threw a snowball at Elsa. But Elsa didn't laugh or throw a giant one back. She was staring out of the window.

"What's wrong Elsa?" Jamie asked. Rapunzel stopped examining the desk lamp and Merida and Hiccup stopped arguing.

Elsa turned towards them, her eyes wide. "Don't you hear that?"


Elsa jumped out of the window and quickly made herself a slope to slide on.

The others called after her and followed but she had no time to wait for them. They couldn't hear that voice. Only she could.

"ELSA! HELP!" Anna screamed, her voice frantic.

Her sister was somewhere here. She was in trouble. Elsa had to save Anna. It was her fault that she came here.

How dare she have fun and fall in love while her sister was in trouble?

"Anna!" Elsa called for he sister.

"ELSA!" Her sister screamed back., "ELSA! PLEASE! HELP ME!"

Elsa continued to run, slipping in the ice that was forming around her. Her emotions was effecting her powers.

She needed to get to her sister no matter what it took.

Merged Worlds  (Book 1) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now