Chapter 3

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Long awaited...I'm a terrible person...but I'm a busy person!! lol




The next morning I woke up feeling even more confused. I’d dreamt about him. I may have pushed Greg from most conscious thoughts, but my subconscious was an evil son-of-a-bitch. It remembered everything from the smell of his cologne, his soft touches, passionate kisses, and warm embraces. The dream was the most realistic I’d had in a while, and the most cruel. To remember how great everything had been in such detail, and know that it was lost to me forever left an empty feeling in my chest. I cried, and I couldn’t stop. It was only at the sound of a knock on my door that I attempted to silence myself.

“Christine? Can I come in?” I heard Lana’s voice and I quickly stood, pulling on my robe and wiping my eyes.

“Just one second.” I answered, feeling frantic. I couldn’t let Lana see me still crying about Greg. Once I felt I looked normal, I cleared my throat and opened the door.

“Oh goodness, you’re still asleep?” She gasped with a giggle.

“Yeah, Micah and I didn’t get back until late.” I explained as she walked in to join me on my bed. “How are you feeling today?”

“I’m okay. But, to make sure that I don’t stress myself out too much, we’re hiring a nanny for Guili. Laura organized some meetings for Ian and I with prospective nannies.” She shrugged. “I never thought I would be one to have a nanny, but at the moment I can’t be chasing her around and Ian is going to be helping your dad while he’s up here. It seems like the best option.” Lana explained, though she still looked worried.

“Well, Ian, Alex, and I were all raised by nannies and I think we turned out all right. It’ll be fine. It’s not like you’re going to start ignoring her or anything like that.” I assured her. “Besides, this will be good so you can actually follow through on that bed rest. Speaking of which, what are you doing walking around the palace?” Lana smiled sheepishly.

“I can’t just lay in that room, I’ll go mad. I needed a change of scenery. Please have breakfast with me on the terrace. Please, please, please…” She begged and I laughed.

“All right, all right. But then it’s into the bed for you. We’ll watch the telly and I’ll bring you whatever strange cravings you’re having. We’ll make a day of it, sound good?” She looked so excited but hesitated for a moment.

“But don’t you have things you need to be doing? I know that the semester has only just begun and that you must have so much work and other engagements…” I held up my hand to stop her.

“I’ve been taking online courses this semester because of the engagement things and the only thing I really had planned for today was dinner with Micah. Which I can still do as I’m sure Ian will want some Lana time later.” She let out a breath, the excitement still bright in her eyes.

“Okay, sounds good. Do you want to sit through some nanny interviews with me?”

“Shouldn’t you just let Ian take care of that? You don’t need any additional stress, and I’m sure he can handle it.”

“I suppose it’ll help to keep him and Greg out of trouble. All right.” She agreed and I felt my heart jump at the mention of Greg’s name.

“So, Greg’s still here?”

“Well of course he is. Where did you think he would go? It’s going to be like some crazy reunion. Chad’s coming too and they’re going to have some strange male bonding time, I don’t really know…” She waved it off and I smiled, but suddenly felt nervous knowing that Greg would be staying with us longer. How would I be able to stand seeing him every day? Not to mention the fact that Micah was not going to like this…

Emotionally Incapable (Third Book to Politically Incorrect)Where stories live. Discover now