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"Are you going to tell me about you? Or are we going to stay in silence for the rest of the time?"

"I don't talk to strangers."

Seth smiles at me. It makes me intimidated, but I try my best to not let him know. "I'm not a stranger, Aj. I'm your therapist."

"You're not even a therapist yet."

"Good point. Well think of me like a friend. I'm your friend."

"I don't need friends."

"Is that so? You don't have any friends?"

I shrug and go back to playing with my fingernails. "What do you think of the room decoration?" He randomly asks.

"I think it's stupid."

Seth laughs.

It's quite a unique noise that sends shivers down my spine. "I decorated it."

"That explains it."

"I like you, Aj and your attitude."

I don't reply anything, just stare at him while he looks down at his chart. He looks up and catches me looking.

He's about to say something when the timer goes off. I quickly get up and head towards the door. "Looks like time is up."

He shuts the door just as I open it. "Not so quickly, Ms. Mendez."

His arm is leaning on the door. His body so very close to mine. I look up at him biting the inside of my cheek.

"I haven't given you the most important thing."


He turns around and grabs a sunflower from the vase. Then turns to hand it to me. "For you."

"Why're you giving me a sunflower? That's weird. I don't even like flowers."

"Too bad. You have to take it. I'm your sort of therapist/friend."

I stare at the sunflower and wrinkle my nose in disgust as I take it. "Have a good day, Ms. Mendez! I'll see you tomorrow at 4:00!"

On the way out of his room I spot a thrash can and I throw the flower in there. Flowers are a bad memory.

"How was it honey?"


"Just alright? What did you think of your therapist?"

Weird, odd, creepy, intimidating, bossy, nosey.

"He's great."

My mom smiles in approval. "That's amazing, honey. I'm glad you feel comfortable with him. How do you feel?"


She looks a bit disappointed that I just feel okay. "Mom, this is a long process. I'm not going to feel ecstatic after the first therapy session."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." She says apologizing. "It's okay. Let's go home. I'm actually hungry."


"Can we stop to get coffee before the therapy session?"

"Did you not sleep last night?"

"No I did. I just want some coffee."

So I don't fall asleep in the boring session.

"Okay. Uh, where would you like to stop? Is that coffee shop over there seem fine?"

kiss me * wwe fan ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon