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When I wake up in a white and black room, with blue covers, and the strong smell of Dean's cologne, I know I'm not home.

My heart starts beating uncontrollably. What happened? The first question that comes to mind.

I don't feel sick but I also don't feel okay. I'm very thirsty and everything around me seems to be moving very slow.

My head doesn't hurt so I'm guessing I'm not hung over. I do remember what happened last night though.

"I already love you."

As the words echo in my head my face starts heating up. My stomach feels queasy with butterflies.

"I already love you."

Every time I think about it the blush in my cheeks only deepens. He must've said that because he felt pressured not because he actually meant it.

A deep sadness suddenly falls over me. I wanted to tell myself he said it because he actually meant it but I know he didn't.

So why lie to myself?

One thing Seth taught me was to be honest with myself even if it hurts. I'm tired of making myself a fool.

Sudden footsteps down the hall snap me out of my thoughts. I quickly lay back down and close my eyes pretending to be asleep.

"I know you're awake." Dean says walking in.

I don't move I simply keep my eyes closed. "Aj, I can see you're breathing heavier and faster. I know you're awake."

My eyes open to meet his. He looks very different today. His hair is messier than usual, he's wearing a simple white tee and blue pajama pants.

He must really like blue.

"Come on I made breakfast."

"Can I use your restroom?"

"Sure. Right there." He points to a door on the corner of his room and I nod slowly as he steps out.

Walking in his bathroom I notice he's a very clean man. Not trying to sound stereotypical but some men tend to be really dirty.

Not Dean though. His bathroom is extremely clean. So is his room and I'm guessing everywhere else as well.

The first thing I do is rinse my mouth because I'm sure I stink. There's still a strong smell of alcohol I can taste it.

I didn't even drink that much did I?

There's a bottle of mouthwash beside his mirror so without second thought I grab some. Hopefully this minty taste will take away the awful taste.

After doing so I use the bathroom, then wash my hands walking out. My knees are shaky and it's not precisely because I feel weak but because I'm nervous.

Why am I even nervous?

I've seen and spoke to Dean a thousand times yet everytime I see him I feel so vulnerable. It's like I turn to glass and everything he says or does has an impact on me.

He breaks me so easily.

I've never met a person who had that much influence on me and that scares me to death. I wish I didn't depend on him.

"Do you have a headache?" He asks placing a plate on the table. I nervously wipe my wet hands on my sides and take a seat.

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