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"What can I get for you ma'am?"


"Regular size?"

"Yes please."

Seconds later the lady hands me a waffle cone with the strawberry ice cream. After paying I take a seat on a table.

The table I always sit in when I come here. The table Dean and I sat on that one day. I stare at the ice cream suddenly not wanting to eat it anymore.

There's certain things that trigger thoughts that are painful. Ice cream is one of them.

The door of the ice cream shop opens and I turn my head. Dean is in the entrance. I quickly turn back around and hold onto the cone a little too hard.

It cracks.

My heart beats loudly against my chest. I stay frozen with my eyes closed hoping that I disappear and he won't see me.

When someone sits on the same table as me my heart stops for a millisecond. I open my eyes and see Dean in front of me.

Holding the usual.

Chocolate ice cream.

He grabs a napkin and wipes melted strawberry ice cream from my forearm. That's when I look down at my hand and notice the ice cream is spilling.

"You should probably eat it before it melts completely."

"I always hold on for too long."

"Understandable." He says handing me another napkin and taking the cone from my hand.

"I'll get you a new one."

"No. I'm okay."

He hands me his cone instead and keeps mine. "I've never been a huge fan of chocolate." I bluntly say.

He smiles. "I know."

"I've never mentioned it."

"I saw it on Facebook on an old status you made."

"Oh so you stalked my Facebook?"

"Yeah. I use to before the whole blocking thing. I loved seeing your pictures and that smile of yours. I want you to be that happy again."

"Why're you telling me this Dean?"

"Because I need to get it off my chest. I don't think you understand how much you mean to me. What I did to you has no excuse. I hate myself for ever hurting you. We probably don't belong together. We probably do. It's hard to tell but if we found each other it's for a reason, right? Maybe it was fate that one day I walked into your room at the hospital. Whatever it was I don't regret it. I would do it over and over again."

My cheeks heat up and my knees get weak at his words.

"Do you regret meeting me?" He asks.


He smiles and reaches over to grab my hand. "Me either."

Then he takes a bite out of my broken cone and I try the chocolate ice cream. Like I said I've never been a fan of it but it somehow tastes good.

Tasting it while holding Deans hand is the best thing in the whole entire world.

I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

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