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There's a knock on my door and I sigh. "I'm okay mom." I say a bit annoyed. She comes to check on me every five minutes.

"I'm not your mom."

I look at my door perplexed. Could I be hearing voices? I look at the door and in fact it's Dean Ambrose himself standing there.

He's wearing the usual.

"How did you know my address?"

"I have looked at your records before. Remember?"

"That's invasion of privacy."

"I know."

He walks in and closes the door behind. "How did my mom let you come in?" I wonder. "I told her I was your friends boyfriend and that I needed to tell you something about her."

"She believed it?"

He nods with a smile, "It must be my charm huh?" He says fluttering his eyelashes. It really is his charm.

"What're you doing here?" I ask staring outside my window. He walks behind me and I look up to see him.

This is more intimidating than usual. "I came to see you duh." I turn back around and focus on the bush outside my window.

Maybe if I stare at it it'll make my blush go away. "I didn't want you to come see me." He grabs my chin making me look up at him.

Now my face is definitely on fire.

"Don't lie to me, April Jeannette." He says quietly. He sits down on a chair beside me as he lets go of my chin.

We look at each other for a while. After a few seconds go by I look away again. "What's wrong?"


"As in how?"

I don't reply and keep staring at the window. He doesn't ask me again. Instead he stays silent as well.

"Have you ever wondered what happened to me?" I finally ask.


"Then why haven't you ever asked?"

"Because what if you don't want to talk about it?"

"I don't like to talk about it."

"That's okay." He says in a soothing voice. "I was in an accident." I say turning to look at him. "I was shot."


"Yes. Not on purpose."


I can tell he wants to know more, yet he doesn't ask me. That makes me feel like he respects my feelings.

"I was at a party. Things got carried away and a fight went down. A guy pulled out a gun and he shot. He missed and it hit me. Right here." I point to my head. Right under my hairline.

"The shot injured a nerve in my brain. That's why my legs don't work. That's why my vision is wonky and I can't see right. That's why I'm getting surgery next week."

"What kind of surgery?"

"A brain surgery. It could either go really good or really bad."

"If it goes good you'll be able to walk and see right again, right?"

"Yeah. If it goes bad then I die."


I nod my head. "Yeah." Dean stays quiet and looks down at his feet. The air suddenly feels heavy and the tension is awkward.

"Everything will be okay." He says looking up. "I don't know. It's a fifty fifty chance thing."

"Why do you not sound concerned at all?" He asks. "I don't know. I'm afraid to die. Not because of me, but because of my parents."

"You won't die."

"I could."

"But you won't."


He gets up from the chair and smiles. "How about we go out? I'll take you wherever you want. I'm on a quick break right now so we could go out for a bit."

Can you take me to your heart?

"I don't want to go out."

"Come on. Don't be a bummer!"

I shrug. "Too bad I am a bummer."

He sits back down and sighs. "Fine. Since you don't want to go out let's talk. I can imagine you want a career of some type. What do you want to be?"


"I've always had a weird fantasy of being a wrestler."

"You wrestle?"

"I used to at school."

"Really? Me too!"


"No I swear! I like to wrestle a lot."

He pulls out his phone and scrolls through it for bit. Then he hands it to me. It's an old picture of him wearing wrestling gear from what I suppose is his school.

How did he just get ten times more attractive?

"Ohh." I hand him the phone back. "Maybe we could wrestle when you get better." He says with a smile.

"Maybe." I mumble back. He smiles at me again and it makes my heart skip a beat. His phone buzzes and he gives me an apologetic look. "I have to go now, April Jeanette. I have to get back to the hospital."


"Try not to miss me so much okay?" He says with a grin. Then he does something that completely catches me by surprise.

He gives a hug and then sprints off leaving me utterly speechless. The blood quickly rushes to my face.

Oh, Dean Ambrose. What do you do to me?


sorry for updating late! i've been pretty busy i will try to update as soon as i can. thanx for reading and voting means so much to me xoxoxo

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