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"Are you okay, Aj?"

The words roam around my mind. They're echoing deep in me. Without finding the words to speak, I nod my head.

"Don't worry, baby,"


"The doctor said you'll remember everything very soon. It's a temporary thing." My dad says kissing my head lightly.

"I - I suppose." I reply staring at my room. I remember this place, I remember my room, my house, my parents, my friends.

There's just something missing.

"Do you not remember the house?" Mom asks a hint of worry in her voice. "Yes. I remember mom."

"Are you sure?"

"Completely. It's just a strange feeling using my legs again." I say looking down at my feet. My legs haven't regained all the strength yet, but I can slowly walk if I'm being held.

It's a wonderful feeling. After not being able to move them for months it's nice feeling them again.

"You'll get used to the feeling soon."

"Yeah. I know."

Just as I take a seat on my bed the doorbell rings. My dad goes to the get the door as my mom stacks pillows behind my back.

"I'm comfortable mom. Don't worry."

A few seconds go by and we start hearing voices. One of them catches my attention right away.

I've heard it before.

Plenty of times actually.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, she couldn't come with me. I just had to stop by and see, Aj."

My heart starts beating fast and I don't know why. My dad walks in with Dean. Of course I remember him. How can I forget?

His eyes land on me immediately. He's got a soft expression and he smiles a little. "I didn't know you dated, Nikki." My dad says interrupting our stare.

"Oh. Uh. Yeah. I do." Dean replies awkwardly scratching his head. "I've met him before. He's sweet! I'm glad you stopped by to visit, Aj. Where's Nikki?"

"Nikki is ... uh she's with her mom. She said she would come to visit soon."

"Oh great. Well we'll let you talk." My mom says as my dad and her walk out of the room. They leave the door open of course.

He takes a seat on the corner of my bed. Close enough that he's touching my tippy toes with his thigh.

The touch makes my face feel hot.

"Do you remember me?"

"Yeah and I know for a fact you don't date my friend, Nikki."

He grins wide. "I'm glad you remember and I had to tell that to your parents so they'll let me come in."

"How did you know Nikki's name?"

"Your Facebook. You tagged her in this awful picture from like six years ago."

"Oh no." I reply with a light chuckle. "Wait. How do you know that I can't remember?"

He stops smiling and get serious all of the sudden. "Well, your - your dad mentioned it before I walked in. I'm just really glad you remember me."

"Yeah I remember you. We met at the hospital and we sorta became friends. I guess you can call it that."

"Of course. We're bffs. What .. what happened doesn't change that, right?"

"Uh. Right?" I answer confused. "Do you remember? The day of your surgery..." his voice trails off.

I stare at him utterly confused. He's looking at me intensely as if I'm missing some piece of information.

As hard as I try my brain doesn't remember nothing from that day.

"You ... you don't remember?" There's a hint of hurt in his voice. "I'm sorry, what am I supposed to remember?"

He presses his lips together an upset look on his face. He quickly shakes it off though. "No. Nothing. Never mind."

"No. Tell me. What am I supposed to remember?"

He points to my wrist. I then notice a thin bracelet around my hand. "I gave you that the day you had surgery for good luck."

"Oh. Really?"

He nods his head slowly. It feels like he's wishing I'd remember something from the bracelet, but I don't.

My mind is blank.

"That's it?" I ask hoping he'd tell the rest. "Yeah. That's it." He replies after a few seconds.

"Ahh. Sorry for forgetting you gave me this." I mumble shamefully because I forgot something so special.

"It's okay. Don't worry." He smiles sympathetically.

"Okay. So um tell me what have you done these past few days?"

"I've been thinking."


"About ...."


Heavy silence.

"About this new kitten I got." He finally says. "Ooh! Let me see." He smiles and pulls out his phone.

He starts tapping and scrolling through his phone then hands it to me. "There's several pictures. You can scroll to see more."

I do as he says and start looking at the pictures. "Awww. The kitten is cute. What did you name it?"

"I named her black widow."

"Black widow?" I ask looking up. "Yeah." He replies with a proud grin. "Why black widow? That sounds like a harsh mean name for this cute little fur ball."

"Well she's black and cute and I bet when she grows up she's going to look fierce. So she needs a badass name."

"Black widow. Hmm. I kind of like it."

As I continue to scroll I come across a picture of a girl. A very pretty girl with very define and distinct features.

"Oh. Is this your sister? Your friend?" I ask showing him the picture. His eyes widen and he grabs the phone from my hand.


He glances at me. "You don't remember her?"

"No? Have I met her? Is she your sister? Friend?" I repeat.

"No. Uh. Actually she's my - she's my girlfriend."

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