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"I'm not going."

"You have to go."

"I'm not."

"Did you see the way Layla was looking at you? She was obviously waiting for you to say no." Nikki says rolling her eyes.

"And that's why you have to go duh." Brie adds.

"No I'm not putting myself in that situation. A sharing beach house with Dean and Layla? For the weekend? That's a plan for failure and I'm not going through that."

"Come on, Aj. You have to come. Plus you can't leave Randy by himself."

"That's another thing. I don't want to lead Randy on."

"You are just going as friends nothing serious. You just have to go or do you want to give Layla the satisfaction of knowing you didn't go because of her and Dean?"


"Then come on let's pack!"


"Hello welcome. This is my beach house." Layla says enthusiastically. I awkwardly hang on to my bag feeling Dean's stare.

"Looks lovely." Brie says with a fake smile.

"So Dean and I like to sleep upstairs because that's our favorite room." She emphasizes the word sleep making me sick.

"I have extra rooms of course. Roman and Brie you can sleep downstairs on the last room. Nikki and Seth there's a room next to theirs where you can sleep."

Nikki smiles with pink cheeks, "Actually we don't sleep together just yet."

"Oh well I have two more rooms upstairs. Aj and Randy can sleep upstairs down the hall from us and you can stay in the room next to them." She says smiling.

"Uh, Randy and I can't share a room. We're .. uh..."

"Well dear I only have one extra room and that's for Nikki."

My face reddens at the thought of sharing a room with Randy. "If Nikki doesn't mind we can share a room." Seth speaks up.

This makes me sigh in relief. Nikki looks at me and I give her a pleading look. It's not like she minds sleeping with him.

"Okay yeah that's fine."

"I'll let you unpack and get settled and have some pizza ordered." Layla says. I walk away with Brie and Nikki.

"She seems too nice." Brie comments.

"That's because she's being fake nude Brianna duh." Nikki says.

"Don't you think I know that? We've done that a billion times."

"You better be glad I love you, Aj. I sacrificed having my own room for you."

"Like that's much sacrifice." Brie says with a chuckle.

"Well no but I don't want to seem too easy. I mean I just met the guy like two days ago and I'm already sharing a room with him?"

"Listen, I really appreciate what you're doing for me. Thank you." I tell Nikki.

"Yeah that's fine don't worry about it. Let's go unpack."

I nod my head and start walking upstairs since that's where I'm staying. She didn't mention which room is mine so I pick a random one that's in front of the bathroom.

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