"Okay," JD says to break the awkward silence following Julia's outburst. "So... What's out plan?"

Mike observes the people in the room for a few moments before he clears his throat. "I suggest that we take a few days rest. Niall in particular needs it because of his knee, but I think that all of us could use some proper sleep."

"Yes, please," Nick exclaims and Alex giggles. "I need to sleep."

No one objects to the offer and are quite content with the plan. I know that I certainly need some rest after all that's happened lately.

We end our meal and as people finish, the sound of chairs scarping against hardwood floor and silverware clinking against china fills the kitchen. Everyone cleans their own plate and glass as they're done, and one by one disappears from the room.

I don't pay attention to my surroundings, and suddenly I'm left alone in the room with Julia and Jason. My eyes dilate as I realize what a big mistake I've just made. I try to slip unnoticed out of the room, but Jason is quick to block my path.

"What happened between you two?" he snarls and locks his eyes with mine. I want to look away, but somehow I'm unable to.

"What makes you think anything happened between us?" Julia retorts, folding her arms across her chest. "Nothing happened between us. Everything's normal."

"Something feels different."

"It's just your imagination," Julia insists and finally Jason looks away from me to look at his baby sister. "You're being paranoid. And I love you for being protective of me, but you don't have to be."

"But -"

Julia cuts Jason off before he can finish his sentence. "I'm going to bed. Harry, are you coming?"

I flinch at the mention of my name and Jason's eyes immediately darts back to mine. Fuck.

Why on Earth would Julia ask me to go to bed with her? She was just trying to convince Jason that nothing happened between us, and then she wants me to tag along to the bedroom? Oh, man, I'm in big trouble now.

"I-I don't -" I stutter and yet again Julia feels the need to interrupt.

"Come on, Harry."

I flash Jason an innocent smile and offer him a halfhearted shrug before I tag after his sister. It appears I don't really have a say in the matter anyway so I decide to just go with it.

I admit that my heart starts beating faster as I follow Julia up the stairs and into the master bedroom. The two of us have shared beds before, but things are different now. We have had sex together and when we spoon tonight, it'll be different than any other night we have spent in each other's arms.

"Are you crazy?" I mutter as Julia slips out of her jeans. She turns to smile at me through the dark. "Jason's gonna kill me now."

"Sorry," he whispers, her angelic voice so damn seductive. She closes the distance between us and stands on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck. "I don't really know what came over me. I just wanted you to come to bed with me."

"I thought you were bunking with Alex?" I quip and Julia giggles. I don't even know why I bring it up because I want to have Julia all to myself.

"She'll find another roommate," she replies and takes in her bottom lip with her teeth. "I'm yours tonight if you want me."

I slowly close the distance between her lips and gently press mine against hers. I whisper my honest response against her plump lips. "I want you."

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