They became completely silent as I approached and just glared at one another.

Decland stood up abruptly mumbling something about forgetting to speak with coach after practice. He said goodbye, threw some money on the table for mine and his food and rushed out of the door.

I looked at Sin, gesturing to Decland's retreating figure. "Wanna tell me what that was about?"



"Leave it, Avalon," Sin grit out.

"Okay," I merely whispered. He looked at me intensely as I ate my food. By the time I was full, he was up from the table and walking towards the door.

Since Decland drove, we have no ride and decided to walk.

It was nice out but chilly. The wind brought out a sense of serenity as we walked along the quiet streets to my neighborhood.

"I'm sorry," Sin broke the silence.

"For what?"

He pulled his black beanie down over his ears and adjusted his leather jacket to protect him from the cold. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

I nodded, acting like I understood even though I didn't.

I've slowly realized as I've gotten closer to him, that he was really a hit or miss kind of person. Someone that could be fine one moment and then on his period the next.

"Let's play a game," he said out of the blue.

"What game?"

"Twenty-one questions?"

Memories of Decland and I playing brought a small smile on my face.


He nodded as he thought about it.

"Okay, if you had to choose between Dylan or Cole Sprouse, which would you choose?"

"Cole," I replied without hesitation. He gave me a 'really' look and I shrugged. "Riverdale is life."

He chuckled as we kept walking. I shivered slightly and rubbed my hands together. My pockets were doing nothing to warm them.

Sin quickly grabbed my arm, halting us from walking. He reached for my icy fingers and brought then to his lips, cupping his hands around mine. His warm breath tickled my frosty fingers, warming them- and me. He kept eye contact with me, not breaking to even blink. The sea in his eyes were luring me in and pushing me further into the deep abyss of his irises- losing me in the tidal waves in his eyes.

The way his eyes held mine while his minty breath washed over my hands felt intimate. My cheeks flamed as he watched my reaction. He blew one more time, briefly looked down and kissed my hand gently.

He let's go and my hand falls beside me- our eyes still locked on one another. He reaches out towards my face before it quickly falls to his side- a war raging inside of himself.

"Next question," he says curtly.

We began to walk again as I thought of a question.

"What was it like? Going to boarding school," I was genuinely curious. No one I know has ever been- until now.

He pursed his lips.

"It was... Terrible. I didn't really have anyone there for me but one person; she had friends but they were just her friends. They didn't like me one bit. The food there was shit. The curriculum was shit. The people were.."

"Let me guess... Shit?" I finished for him with a chuckle.

"Exactly. It rained all the time there. The teachers really couldn't care any less than they already did. The rooms they gave us were tiny and cramped and entirely unlivable, but it didn't stop them," he said as he dug up old memories. "The headmaster was a real witch, I'll tell ya." He let out a grimace. "My turn. Why do you like Decland so much?"

"Uh," his question caught me completely off guard. I stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk catching myself before I face planted the cold cement. "He was always there for me, I guess. He always picked me up when you went out of your way to knock me down. He was... Nice to me."

"Even after Aria?" He asked glancing at me- his jaw was locked tight.

"He said he didn't know. He didn't know what was going on and he apologized. I trust him," I sighed.

"And me? Do you trust me?"

"Yes," I replied truthfully. I did trust him for some unknown reason.

"My turn. Hmmmmm... Okay, who did you miss the most while you were gone?" I asked as we reached my front door. I turned to face Sin, finding him already looking at me while I smiled.

His eyes scanned mine and looked all over my face, observing me.


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