Chapter 15

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Stiles POV

We continue talking happily with each other for a few more hours, neither of us letting go of each other's hands. The warm feeling inside of me doesn't fade away and the smile is still on my face. It hurts to be smiling after all this time, but I can't help it. I'm so hopelessly in love with Scott and somehow, he actually loves me back. Scott loves me! Out of the people in the world, Scott is in love with me. I still don't think I really deserve Scott. He could do way better than me. Scott promises and reassures me that I am plenty good enough and that I am the only one that he wants. It does make me feel a bit better. Our conversation that we have over the few hours are completely random, happy, funny and lighthearted topics. We make each other laugh and smile a lot. It feels good. I haven't truly smiled or laughed like this in ages. Probably not since the nogitsune and Allison's death. I didn't realize that I missed the feeling until now. I know that I have a long way to recovery and that it won't be easy, but just knowing that Scott is here for me is a step in the right direction. He makes me feel a little less dead and empty inside. Maybe I really can get through this?

We continue talking happily, still clasping each other's hands, until Scott's mom comes walking into the room. We look up at her with surprise. Relief crosses her face. "Thank god you're awake, Stiles. I have been worried sick about you! Scott was almost scared to death by all of this as well." Melissa says in greeting. It's not something I would usually associate with a greeting, but it is Melissa talking here. I glance over at Scott with surprise. I knew he was worried about me and upset, but it hits me like a brick when someone else mentions it. My heart aches a little as I realize how much pain and terror that I must have put Scott through. It must have been traumatizing to find my body in the bathroom, blood everywhere. Scott's cheeks blush a little, but he nods anyway.

"Yeah, I was pretty distraught and broken," Scott admits. I bite my lip guiltily.

"I'm sorry to put you both through that." I apologize as I look between Scott and Melissa.

"It's okay, Stiles. Don't worry about it. It's over now. You're okay. That's what matters." Scott reassures me, squeezing my hand comfortingly. Melissa nods in agreement and walks closer to us. She looks at Scott sternly. "Now, listen here, mister. Stiles is awake now and he is going to be okay. This whole nightmare should be over and done with now. So, that means you can go home, take a shower, have something to eat and change into some fresh clothes. Chuck those blood stained ones out. You look like someone that has escaped Eichen House and gone on a killing spree, Scott. I don't think it would hurt you to get some proper sleep in your bed as well." Melissa says to her son, placing her hands on her hips. Scott's face falls slightly.

"But I-" Scott begins to say, but his mom cuts off his protest.

"No buts, Scott! Stiles is well taken care of here. I won't leave him, I promise. You need to take care of yourself too, Scott. Go home, freshen up and get some rest. You need it. You can come back here later. Stiles won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Melissa interrupts in a firm voice. Scott looks over to me with a sad look, causing me to chuckle slightly, knowing that he doesn't want to leave me like this even just to eat something or take a shower. It's cute, but I agree with Melissa. Scott needs to take care of himself. "It's okay, Scott. Go home. I'll be fine here without you for a little while, I promise." I tell the werewolf with a comforting smile. Scott looks hesitant for another few moments as he thinks it over.

"Okay, I'll go." Scott finally agrees and starts to stand up. Melissa looks satisfied with her victory. Scott gazes down at me with a soft light in his eyes. "I'll be back soon, okay? I promise." Scott tells me before he leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead, causing me to blush and smile, my heart skipping a beat. Scott is smiling too as he pulls away and then walks out of the room. Melissa and I watch as he leaves. I notice that Melissa has a proud smile on her face. I don't think Scott even thought about that he just kissed me in front of his mom without hesitation. To me, his kiss was an action driven by pure protection and instinct, which makes me feel warm and happy on the inside, believing that Scott really does love me. Melissa turns to me and looks at me proudly and satisfied.

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