Chapter 8

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Izzy POV

I was standing outside Clary's door listening to her and Alec talking when Alec confessed everything! I was so excited i gave a little squeal with delight and quickly ran back to my room hoping they didn't hear me.

Clary POV

I was looking up at Alec with a big smile on my face when i heard a little squeal outside the door. We both turned and then at the same time said "izzy" and laughed a little. Alec leaned in closer to my face and i could feel his breath on my face. I didn't realise i had been leaning is as well when the door suddenly burst open and Izzy ran in

"I'm sorry i couldn't wait any longer you could cut the sexual tension with a knife!" she screamed as she pulled me and Alec into hug. We both laughed and grinned as she let go of us and started to walk out of the room. Before she closed the door she turned around and said "Use protection" winking at me and closing the door behind her. My face went bright red as I looked at the floor. Alec chuckled.

"So what do we do now?" i said getting up and turning to face Alec but he slowly started walking towards me. I took a step back for every step he took forward and hit the wall behind me. I looked up to see his big blue eyes staring at me and his hair falling into his face. Without thinking i pushed his hair  back to stop it falling in his face.

Alec POV

I followed Clary towards the door as she turned around and saw me looking at her. She pushed my hair out of my face and i couldn't wait any longer. I smashed my lips on hers and grabbed her waist as her legs wrapped around me instinctively. I held her tightly not breaking the kiss as her hands ran threw my hair. I carried her over to the bed carefully putting her down. Both of us pulled back at the same time catching our breaths staring a each other. I leaned back down propping myself up on my elbows so I didn't crush Clary and kissed her again passionately.

Clary POV

Alec laid me down on the bed and kissed me again as i ran my hands through his hair and down his arms feeling his muscles underneath his shirt. As he pulled back up for air i quickly flipped up over straddling his waist and kissing and we stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. I quickly took Alec's t shirt off and threw it on the ground and we carried on kissing. He quickly flipped us over again and slipped his hand under my shirt. He slowly began to take my top off and quickly looked at me to make sure i was okay with this. I nodded and he threw my top on the ground as he leaned over me and carried on kissing me with one hand propping himself up and the other on my waist.

Jocelyn POV

I walked back into the institute with Luke and turned to look at him "why don't we take Clary out for the afternoon, we haven't spent much time with her especially with the whole Jace thing" i said and he looked at me smiling "sure" he replied and we both headed down to Clary's room.

Luke POV

I headed down the hall with Jocelyn thinking about how upset Clary must have been. I swear i would kill Jace for hurting my step daughter but she wouldn't want that so i let him go. I felt a little guilty that neither Jocelyn or I had properly talked to her but we saw Alec and Izzy comfort her so we knew she would be okay. As we walked down the hall Maryse caught up to us.

"Have you seen Alec, Max is arriving soon from Idris and i want to make sure Alec got his room ready"

"No we haven't seen him" Jocelyn replied "maybe he is talking to Clary"

Maryse nodded and followed us to Clary's room

We reached her door and assumed she must be drawing or talking to  Alec so i opened to door without knocking but was not expecting what i saw.

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