Chapter 7

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Clary POV

I walked into my room grabbed my stuff and quickly headed into the shower. As the water hit my skin my mind drifted to Alec and Jace

I knew I would forgive Jace eventually but I would never trust him like I used to. But Alec, there was something about him.

When I kissed his cheek a shiver went up my spine and I saw his face go bright red as I left the room. I felt for him what I used to feel for Jace, but it was stronger with Alec

I think I might​ be falling in love with him. I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into my room only to find Alec sitting on the bed

"Jesus Alec you scared me" I said as he looked up from fiddling with the hem of his shirt

He stared at me before I cleared my throat

"Umm Alec"

He blinked and shook his head before answering

"Sorry I should've knocked but I heard the shower running, maybe you should umm... Alec trailed off and looked down as I realised I was still only in a towel

"Sorry, right ummm... give me two minutes to get dressed" I said as Alec quickly glanced up and nodded

Alec POV

I knocked on Clary's door hoping to talk to her but no one answered. I slowly walked into the room and heard the shower so I sat on her bed to wait

I noticed her clothes on a chair and suddenly thought what if she isn't dressed, I can barely pull myself together in front of her already. I was about to leave but the door opened and she walked out in a towel

I couldn't help but stare at her. Her fiery red hair cascading down her back and her bright green eyes meeting mine. I could look at her forever. Suddenly I heard her clear her throat and then saying she would get dressed and she walked back into her bathroom

I breathed a sigh of relief as she went to get dressed and quickly rehearsed what I was going to say in my head

Clary POV

I was slightly confused at why Alec was in my room but we had become close friends in the last few months. Maybe he just wanted to see if I was okay

He probably only thought of me as a friend anyway, nothing more. As I saw his face and remembered I was only in a towel I felt very exposed

Alec was the literal definition of tall, dark and handsome but I was just small with funny red hair and weird green eyes. He would never go for someone like me, but then he did go red when I kissed him on the cheek

I ran back into the bathroom to get changed into my jeans, t shirt and converse before going to talk to Alec

Alec POV

She walked out in a simple jeans and t-shirt but she still always looked flawless

"So what did you need?" she asked me before sitting on the bed and patting the space next to her, gesturing for me to sit down. I turned to face her as she looked up at me

Here goes Alec, 10 seconds of courage

"Clary I know you only just broke up with Jace and you probably need more time and you might not even feel the same way, but from the moment you walked into the institute I liked you, but then Jace got to you first and I couldn't bare seeing you two together so avoided you for the first week or two. And I was mean to you, but I slowly got to know you even more and I couldn't stay away, even though I felt jealous because Jace was your boyfriend and not me. Being friends with you is one of the best things to happen to me and with everything that happened yesterday I don't wanna put you under pressure but I think I'm in love with you and I just needed to you to know. I mean why would a girl like you take a chance on someone like me?"

I finished talking and looked down as Clary took my face in her hands lifted my head up to look up at her and said the two best words in the world

"Why not?"

There's chapter 7 I hope you enjoy it and if you love the film 'We bought a zoo' you'll know where is got the inspiration for the last paragraph. Sorry this chapter is shorter than normal but the next one will be longer.

Enjoy :)

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