Imagine #36; Jungkook

Start from the beginning

"You little--- how did you get my number!?"

"I have my connections."

"Connections my ass."

"Well.. your ass can be connected to my---"

"Okay! Okay! Shut up!"


"Why did you call me?!"

"Nothing. I was bored and you suddenly popped in my head. So.. yeah."

"Ugh. I'm hanging up."

"W-Wait! Don't!"

"And why?"

"I miss hearing your voice."

You laughed. "But we just saw each other earlier, dumbass."

"Okay first. I'm not dumb. I have the highest grade in our class." he retorted which made you laugh, "Second. Yeah I know we just saw each other a while ago but I miss you already."

"Oh shut it. You're being cheesy."

"Hahaha.. am I?"

"Yes you are."

"Hey Y/N."


"Do you still remember your first kiss?"

"Of course I do. I still hold grudges on you because of that."

"Oh. Hahaha.."

"How about you?"


"Do you still remember your first kiss?"


"Who was it with?"


You couldn't answer him.

"Hello?? Y/N? You still there?"


"You don't believe me, do you?"

"Of course I don't."

"Hahahaha.. I knew you wouldn't." he laughed, "But it was years ago."

Questions then filled your mind.

Years ago?

"You still don't remember, do you?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"I know Y/N. I know that you had amnesia."


"Amnesia-- what?!" you blurted out, "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Your parents never told you." you heard him scoff, "I get it."



"A-Argghh.." you held your forehead as you felt a sudden pinch of pain.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, worry was present in his voice.

"M-My head.. i-it hurts."

"Oh shit. I shouldn't have told you." he said, "I'm hanging up. Bye."


He hung up. You sighed, still massaging your forehead to soothen the pain.

The Next Day..

"Good Morning honey.." your Mom smiled at you and you smiled back.

"Good morning mom."

"Hi sweetheart." your Dad greeted when you sat beside your mom at the dining table.

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