Beach date, oh my

Start from the beginning

Great, not only could I not get a guy, let alone keep one, but now I attracted gay guys. Cats were looking better and better.

Jake showed up the next day. I grabbed my bag, and we headed out. He tried to take my hand, but I kept it to myself. Why would a gay guy want to hold my hand?

He got on his bike, and I climbed on behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and we headed off to go hiking. We pulled up to the place, getting off his bike, and he started walking ahead of me. I followed as we hiked along trails until we got to the top.

He took a seat, and I took place next to him.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked, letting out a breath.

"Yeah," I breathed.

He looked at me. "You okay? Did you have another run-in with your ex?"

"I'm fine and no, thank god," I said, putting up my hand.

"Then what's wrong?" Jake questioned.

"Just tired," I replied.

"Look at me, Alex. What's wrong?" Jake asked.

I stood up. Then Jake stood up. "I get it."

"Get what?" He asked, confused.

"That you're gay, but you don't have to pretend to do these romantic things if you are. I'm perfectly fine if you are. I mean, my luck with guys. I wouldn't blame you," I said to him, and he started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I questioned him.

"Alex, I'm not gay," he chuckled.

Oh, great, he's not gay, and I made a total fool out of myself. Not only was I not attractive but right here proved it. Now I felt horrible.

I started walking back.

"Where are you going?" Jake yelled.

"Home! At least I can be ugly there!" I stormed off.

I walked towards the home. I was seething. If a guy wasn't messing with my head one minute, they were treating me like I was undesirable. As I walked home, my legs were getting tired. I pulled out my phone. Great, I had no signal. Now I couldn't call anyone to pick me up.

I heard a bike roar up to me. Even better now, I get to feel even worse than I did before. Jake got off and took off his helmet. He gave me a look, and I glared at him.

"Are you done, pouting?" Jake asked.

"I'm not pouting. I'm stating the obvious," I snapped.

"Sounds to me like you're pouting," he said.

"Well, how would you feel if an attractive guy asked you out but avoids you?" I asked him.

"Well, one, there would be no guy and two. I like to take things slow," he said.

"Huh?" I asked with a look.

He walked over to me. "Alex, I like to get to know someone before going forward. I want to make sure they are worth my time."

Now I felt like a heel. I screamed in frustration. "God! I meet a hot guy and screw it up!"

"You think I'm hot?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes, no, maybe, I don't know," I said, walking away and sitting on a rock.

He walked over and sat down next to me, "Look, I didn't want to make a move since I saw how you were when your ex showed up at the coffeehouse that day. I didn't want to mess with your head because I'm pretty sure he has done enough of that for a lifetime. What I do know is that you are gorgeous, smart, funny, and have this charm to you."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Really, and I want to do nothing more than kiss you," he said.

My heart started pounding in my chest as he reached. Jake places his hand on the side of my face, leaning in until his lips met mine. He moved his other hand up and put it on the other side of my face as he kissed me deeper. Then I felt his lips part, and his tongue slips past his lips, asking for access. I opened my mouth and let his tongue dance with mine.

He pulled me onto his lap and continued to kiss me. My breathing hitched as we kept kissing. Oh, my god, this was amazing. He knew what to do with his lips and tongue.

After a few minutes, he pulled back and looked at me. "That was worth the wait."

I looked at him wide-eyed. "Totally," I breathed.

"Promise me you never wear that bikini ever again," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it's hard to keep a little man down when you do," he said sheepishly, and I laughed. Now it made sense why he jumped into the ocean when he did.

I got up, and he stood up. "I like you, Alex. I do."

"But?" I asked, waiting for the boom to drop.

"But school starts next week, and I'm not sure if we will see each other as much," he said. I furrowed my brows at him, "But if you will find the time, I would like to see you more."

"I think I can make the time," I said, giving him a look.

"Good, because I so want to kiss you again," he said as he kissed me once more. Oh, my god, fireworks went off in my stomach. I would make the time if I had to be with Jake. There was something about him.

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