I kneel, for I can no longer stand.  I turn my head. Prince is carrying Axel all covered in blood.

“This guy’s useless,” Prince says and throws him from the roof top. I hear Axel land with a thump followed by the sound of a fruit when it was squished. How dare he?! I turn around even more to discover Clio being carried my Prince. Prince shrugs, “I really love Clio. He’s mine no one else’s.”

I try to get up, but I can’t. Prince comes closer and closer. He slowly takes out the laser. I can feel its metal rub against my organs. I’m grossing myself out just thinking about it. When the laser is out, he tries to stab me somewhere else but I stop it with my hands.

I have to save Axel and Clio with any strength I have left. This is my happy ending. I pull on the laser and Prince pulls back.

“Let go!” Prince yells. Now, if there is anything I learned about the Prince while his brain was inside my body was that he hates to lose…And he starts acting and thinking like a kid. So guess what? Now, his mind is thinking like a kid that doesn’t want to lose.

I pull harder on the laser. Then I let go. As Prince I falling backwards, he lets go of Clio and I grab the laser. Time for the new technique I learned…”Light Blade!” I scream. I jump over the Prince and my sword glows with purifying light. I pierce his stomach.

The laser breaks just like glass and reflects us as we fall. “Why? Why didn’t it work?” I ask.

“Idiot…You’re such an idiot, taking both our lives.” Prince mumbles. My eyes widen. “What do you mean?! Tell me!”

Prince closed his eyes and wet tears ran down his face. His body started to shatter like glass. I looked at myself. The same thing was happening but mine was taking longer.

I see, Light Blade does this to anyone that has been pierced by it. Prince stabbed me with it before, now I die.

But I didn’t. The glass stopped shattering. I wasn’t falling. I was in the air, looking down at the world. I was looking down at myself, falling.

I could see my body falling, but I wasn’t falling. Isn’t that weird?

I was flying. Beside me was Prince. I glanced at him and he shook his head. “When one does Light Blade, they are calling on the one they defeat to heal things and make things as best as possible. We can’t go to the world of gods- Alatha- until we fix a few things,” Prince explains.

“But, but I don’t want to die! I want to live and laugh with Axel and Clio!” I scream.

“By the way, call me Sy,” is what he says before he goes down to the land. I, too, will go down to that land once more to restore things.

I fly down, and heal Axel and Clio. I pick both up and set them on the ground. This land is dying, I will use every last drop of my power to restore its life force.

Then the idea occurs to me. How can someone like Prince know the effects of Light Blade unless it was written down? The thought dawned on me and I knew.

This world was never meant to exist. 

It existed along with another force from long ago.

Again, I will bring that time back and restore it’s time, this land shall rise. I know just the magic words…”To again we rise!” I whisper and I manipulate every laser I can to stab this world with Light Blade.

The world crumbles and begins to break like glass. However, the glass particles head for Alatha. And so will I.

Chapter 15: A dream

I wake to the sun’s beam on my face. I fly to Clio’s tree house, “Good morning!” I yell.

“Good morning,” Clio responds.

A few days ago, we were all brought here. And the truth became known to all. Ever since, we have been living in this paradise.

We all have wings.

Nature blooms beautifully.

The ground is made of golden and violet brushed clouds that have emerald green grass growing on them.  The sky is touched with a slight pink as the golden rays of the sun come out from behind the vast hills flooded with colorful flowers.

I guess I better get to the dress shop. I need to get my wedding dress for tomorrow. Axel and I need to mail the invitations. Prince has been purified and is now ruling this place in great harmony. You know, he finally got to see his mom the other day. I don’t know the details- it was an emotional thing for him.

By the way newcomer, if you are still confused about what’s going on and how I know the prince, check out a book called To Again We Rise.

I guarantee it will solve your questions.

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