Chapter 2: Into the Light

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Chapter 2: Into the Light

A bright light flashes.

I slowly open my honey eyes and find myself high into the air. Am I flying? Of course not. Why? Because the universe loves to pick on me, that’s why.

Anyway, I doing the usual 360 flip in the air as I fall towards a brick wall. Strangely enough, I slow down and slightly stop in midair, one inch away from hitting the ground. THEN I hit the ground with a small THUMP.

I stand up and look around.

Did I go back in time? The town’s so…CUTE! Well, that’s how I think of it, even though it’s slightly old fashioned.

There are small little stores made of brown brick (they look like small houses). Signs hand in swirling-cursive that says the names of the stores. The town is square shaped and there are brown brick stairs on every corner.

 I am by a white water fountain between some of the stores. So I’m guessing the bright light brought me here…okay…I guess I should look around. No point in staying here.

I take my first step and notice something that’s off. I look at my hands. Is it just me, or do I look like an anime? No…not exactly and anime…something a little off…oh yeah! I’m more 3D!

A dark, oval portal appears before me. The man with the black gloves comes out. He’s wearing a black cloak…just like the two guys outside my window from before! Except…this one has a hoodie over his head, I can’t see any part of his face.

He’s coming towards me. Listening to my scenes, I run in the opposite direction only to have him pop up there, too.

How does he keep following me? What does he want? Is he just a gifted and fast runner?

Well…only one thing to do…RUN!!!!!

Hoodie-dude grabs my wrist and starts pulling me into the dark tunnel. I try to push back, to loosen his grip, but that doesn’t seem to work.

I sit on the ground and grip the water fountain as Hoodie-dude continues to drag me. I realize I’m not making this much more difficult for him. I have to slow him down!

“I HAVE to!” Something inside me screams.

I stand up, walk forward, bend down and…I bite his wrist.

He tries to get me off but I keep my teeth biting into his wrist. My teeth sink deeper and deeper into his wrist as he pulls my hair. Finally, he grabs my wrist and jerks me forward. Hoodie-dude grips my wrist tightly, almost cutting of my circulation.

My head feels light, my wrist throbs and vibrates pain through my whole body.

“Almost. Almost time. Yes!” The voice inside me cheers.

A red…Frisbee with blades (just go with it) comes down at like… fifty mph. Hoddie-dude releases my wrists and disappears within the dark portal.  

I look around. No one is in sight, the Frisbee is gone.

I run. What if hoodie-dude comes back? As I run, I see dark monsters with yellow eyes in the corners of every street.

“Stay away from those. They surround you and try to steal your heart!” Another piece of info says.

I don’t really feel like having my heart stolen, so I’ll listen to THIS rule.

“Behind you!”

I turn around and see a mass of those dark things coming right at me. I pick up the pace and run as fast as my legs will take me. I guess that means a few feet, since I bump into a bunch of people.

“Sor--” I get cut off before I can finish.

A tall redhead with emerald eyes pins me against the wall.

“It was you, wasn’t it? You did this!” He shouted at me in animosity.


“Don’t play dumb!” He snaps.

“Look whatever your problem is -don’t take it out on strangers! I have no idea what’s going on! In fact, the only way I got here was by some light show. Got it memorized?” I scream in his face.

*The “I got it memorized is a little question an old friend used to ask. That childhood friend would day things like “My favorite color is red, got it memorized?” or things like “This is my house. The blue one. THTAT blue one, got it memorized?*

“That’s my catch phrase,” The redhead announced as he lowered me.

“No, it’s my friends catch phrase.”

“Who is this copy cat?” He sneers.

“Axel,” I answer.

“What…what did you just say?” His face shows complete surprise.

“My friend that OWNS that catch phrase is named A-X-E-L. Got it memorized?”

“Who…who are you?” He asks

“I am…”

Who am I?

“…Nonexistent…” say without even knowing it. I know my name, but that name doesn’t seem to mean me anymore.

The mass of those dark creatures catch up and surround us.

“THIS is what I was running from before I bumped into you guys!” I inform them.

“Running? Let me show you how the pros do it,” the redhead smirks.

He takes out his weapon-the Frisbee-blade thing! The throws it at the creators as it circles and spins, taking out fifteen of them. No blood comes out. They just disappear into thin air…But…a light also gets released into the air.

The light goes up into the sky until it cannot be seen. Are they stars?

No. They are hearts.

Hearts…But hearts have feelings…

When one is defeated, a heart is released. That’s a good thing. Hear…and listen well…

I close my eyes. I steady my breathing. I listen…

“I’m a failure! I can’t do anything!”

“All the hurt dies in darkness…”

“Am I the only one? Why?”

All these…

They are called heartless.

All these heartless are sad, depressed, and hurting.

“No!” I say.

“You have to keep trying no matter what. You can! You know you CAN! If you feel it’s impossible or tiring, why would that be your dream? Isn’t your dream something you should enjoy? Then enjoy it! Live life everyday as though another day will not arrive! And know, understand, feel…All emotions and memories of people you care for and people you want to protect. Giving up your heart is almost like suicide. But…You have another chance if you are cured. So…that chance…”

I approach them and open my arms, “…grab it when you can!”

I hug the heartless, for some reason, I cry with joy…Do I need to go to a mental hospital? Because the weirdest thing starts to happen, light!

I glow gold and silver, each heartless I touch, gets released. When I pat them or hold their hands, I hear sighs of relief.

After about ten heartless freed, I glow up even more and begin to rise into the air. Light from every part of my body is released. Just like radiation, my light is spread throughout the entire town, engulfing it in sparkling gold colors and brilliant silvers.

I float down, my feet back on the ground.

I fall backwards. Everything is colorful with an unidentified shape and fades…

…To black…

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