To Again We Rise (Based on my dream)

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To Again we Rise

It’s all just the same?

Am I not worth anything?

Can I only exist among data?


…I want to be free of this world made of lies...

…Literally, everything I know to be true is a lie….

Chapter 1: Existence

“Bye, Dad,” I say as I get out of the silver car and head towards the double doors of school. 

“Bye honey. Have a good day.” With that, Dad drives off.

“Hey Shamwow,” I shout as I run after her, “What’s for lunch this evening? Perhaps….We’ll eat Tiffany…Kidding!”

Yeah….I’m not SUPER normal but you might think I’m pretty normal, at least overall.



I’ve always wanted to escape this boring world. At one point, I thought suicide was the only way, but that’s not the kind of escape I wanted, or want.

So I’m at school and normal studies…you know the drill.

But at home….


I’m looking out at the almost invisible stars, out of my reach. Tonight is a full moon so it’s easy to see everything.

There I am, wake while the whole neighborhood is asleep. Then, I see these two guys in black cloaks. The curtain is blocking the view of one of the people. The only person I can see is a spiky-haired blond with blue eyes. And man, does he have a HUGE sword with him. Like, the sword is as tall as him for crying out loud!

I watched them communicate, not noticing that my brown-shaded hair started to blow.

A black glove covered my mouth. Someone’s behind me? Since when? I kick and wormed but the guy gripped me hard. I jerk my head, just to catch a glimpse of the man trying to kidnap me. Instead, I see him open a dark…portal with his free hand. 

Then I got nuts. I let go of the marble I was holding on to and throw it hard at the window, hoping to warn the people outside or to get someone to call the police to help me.

I look outside my window, they guys are gone, but there is no help coming.

I jolt out of his reach, in that moment there is a small flash of light. The man has diapered into the dark, shadowy portal.

I sprint to my parent’s room as I ferociously open the door. I immediately start shaking my parents-they are sound asleep. Wake up! Please! Why won’t they wake up?

Almost in slow motion I turn my head to face the clock. The second hand has stopped ticking. Time…has stopped? No…only in this world time has stopped. But how? How do I know that time has only stopped in this world?

I grab my robe and slip it over my white, mid-length and sleeveless night gown. I run outside, my mind and body react as one. Something inside me makes me go o my old school and climb on top of the play structure. 

I look out at the heart shaped moon glowing with a radiance that I had never seen before. To make things even weirder, the moon has tripled in size. 

About fifteen feet behind me, there are the two guys in the black cloaks again. Again, how do I know this without turning around? That remains a mystery to me.  

And..I start mind messaging them. And every time I ask them thought this…this mind messaging, there’s and echo in my voice…It’s making everything so…dramatic.

“Am I just meant to live lies?”

“To live among this machine?”

“This world made of data?”

I mind message them.

So…what am I talking about?

This sudden piece of information popped inside my head:

This world was once connected to the other out there. However, this world had too many negative things and the heartless would take over, grow powerful, and start taking over the other worlds. To stop this, this world was imprisoned inside a machine. Only a few people in this machine have hearts. Because this world was so negative, there were only fragments of this world left. Certain people had to add the rest of the people and other stuff that existed in this world.

Does that mean my family and friends are all data from a machine?

Am I data?

The other two in the black cloaks where not responding. The blonde was there, and the guy next to him…faceless.

The blond boy is taking over a role before his. There are different people from different worlds that are destined to meet and defeat the power-sucking monsters. There was once a boy named Cloud. Something happened to him and the blond boy before you is Jack. Jack has to take over Cloud’s role in this…journey. Because Cloud id nonexistent.

Say what now?

To Again We RiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora