Character Route: Europa

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Europa Mediterran from House of Lesser Nobility is a Senior from Class Mercury in Atlas Academy.

Since you are a new student, there are a lot of things you don't know about the school, the lessons, or even the party. You wish to have someone -maybe a Senior?- who can advise you on these matters.

You have heard of Senior Mediterran, an Older Brother-like figure, who is kind and helpful to those who seek him out for help. Maybe... Maybe he won't mind helping you too?

Regarding Senior Mediterran, it is a universal knowledge to not cross him. Because, he can be quite scary. On that matter, a lot of people agree that Senior Meditteran's scary side is thrilling too.

Even so! That's not the point!

What you need right now is a Senior who can help you. For that, why don't you try asking Senior Mediterran?

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Senior Mediterran can be found by asking other students about his whereabouts. Since he is quite well-known and easy to approach, almost everyone knows of him!

If you are shy about talking to unfamiliar strangers, you can try checking several locations where Senior Mediterran might visit.

a. Classroom Mercury - Senior year (within school-hours)

b. Boy's Dormitory (ask the administrator to call him if he is in his room. Senior Mediterran usually doesn't mind it!)

c. Cafeteria (around breakfast, lunch, and dinner hours)

d. Garden (usually with his friends)

e. Fencing club room (for his hobby)

You will soon realise Senior Mediterran is rarely alone. Senior Mediterran might seem to be always busy with his friends, but don't let that deter you! You may request a moment to talk to him and ask for his help.

Senior Mediterran might arrange a meeting on another time to help you. Be patient and wait until the promised moment arrive!

You should know, there are chances that Senior Mediterran might invite his childhood friend(s) or his close friend(s) with him when he meets you later. It is rare for anyone who asks Senior Mediterran for help to be able to be with him alone.

Nevertheless, don't be discouraged! Senior Mediterran will be a big help. As a show of gratitude, there is no need to feel shy to give him presents! Senior Mediterran will gratefully accept them! Use this chance to show him how appreciative you are of him~!

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"How do I say it..." I stop reading the booklet for a moment, "I have been busy with my own matters that I fail to realise something like this happens to Europa semi-regularly,"

Aurora looks at me while raising an eyebrow, an action rarely comes from her, "You never really pay proper attention to Brother Europa's activities, Sister,"

"Yeah, you are right..." I furrow my eyebrows at the booklet, "Also, what's with this booklet? Isn't it just an instruction manual on how to get close to Europa?"

"Well, it's written by fans for fans," Aurora explains logically, "It's not really surprising for the content to be something like this,"

"You don't mind it?" I ask Aurora, surprised

"This booklet is a good reference for us to know their tricks," Aurora giggles, delighted

"Is that so..." I mumble quietly

"What's wrong, Sister? Are you tired?" Aurora questions, concerned

"Not tired. I just feel like I have failed as Europa's childhood friend," I heave a sigh, "About Europa helping others... I don't think I have ever realised that. He never asks me to accompany him either,"

"Well..." Aurora averts his gaze, "Brother Europa did make a point to let them know to not disturb you..."

"Still," I can't contain the pout, "I want to be of help to Europa too!"

A year has passed since we enrolled into Atlas Academy. In this one year, I feel like there is a distance between Europa and me. I thought we would stay as close as we were. Yet, for me to learn something else about Europa like this, from some strangers through a booklet...

"Did you know about this?" I ask Aurora, who is looking at me in astonishment

"Umm, yeah. Operation: auxiliary has only started this year," Aurora answers awkwardly

Her answer gives me a pause, "Operation: auxiliary?" I question blankly

Aurora smiles, stands up, and drifts away from me without explaining anything. I am left alone with Europa's booklet.

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The minor detail regarding Senior Mediterran is... He cherishes his childhood friends very much.

You might feel envious of them because of that. But, please keep in mind to not do anything stupid. You were warned by others to not invoke Senior Mediterran's wrath. One of the ways to avoid it is by not doing retarded things because of envy.

While the scary side of Senior Mediterran is breathtaking, it is not worth the misery of being despised by him.

Senior Mediterran's childhood friends are known as the Pavilyun Sisters. The Older Sister being Asia Pavilyun while the Younger Sister being Aurora Pavilyun. From the rumours, your observation, and Senior Mediterran's own actions, it seems like his devotion towards one of the Pavilyun Sisters is not merely an affection for a childhood friend.

Perhaps, Senior Mediterran-----

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Sweating, out of breath, and red on his face. Europa has successfully snatched his booklet from my hands.

"How much have you read?!" a little panicky, Europa asks me while bracing for something

I look at him while raising an eyebrow, "At the part where your fans realise you like me,"

It's not really a secret. I have known that for a long time. Europa wasn't shy to declare his intention to marry me in the past. I wonder if he has changed his mind...

While heaving a sigh of relief, Europa slumps his shoulder too. Coming over to sit beside me, Europa breathes, "That's nowhere dangerous,"

"What kind of dangerous thing is written in there?" I question, easing Europa's tension by not snatching back his booklet

"Something you don't need to know," Europa mutters, rolling the booklet and put it in his pocket

"If you say so~" I agree with him to break his guard then ask, "What's operation: auxiliary?"

"Something," Europa stiffens as he mumbles and looks away from me

I squint my eyes at him, "Something what? Something you don't want me to know too?"

"It's different," Europa denies, shaking his head, "Well, you can say it's something done to manage the fans..."

What, "Don't tell me, it's the same thing done in parties?"

"Something similar," Europa chuckles nervously

I gape at him in shock.

"Relax," Europa tries to soothe me, "Nobody gets hurt in this operation,"

If Europa says so... Then, "Why is it you again, the one giving services to fans?"

Europa stares.

Aurora shows up then, "Hello~ Am I interrupting you two~?"

"Not at all," Europa replies, exchanging places with Aurora. To me, he smiles gently, "See you later,"

Leaving without answering me, that Europa.

"Where's Brother Europa's booklet?" Aurora asks, so I tell her it's in his pocket. Nodding, Aurora asks again, "Want to read the next booklet?"

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