a Space for One Plus Two

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Preparation number one, from the book 'Don't Just Look the Part', is to not only dress as a boy; but also behave like one.

I nominate Europa Mediterran as my role model!

Nomination, accepted. Role, given. Imitation, start!

It's too bad I am not as tall as Europa though... I don't have much height difference with Aurora too...

"I am not the best role model for you, Asia..." Europa says so just to be humble, I see

If he seriously considers that to be the truth, then I will be troubled. I have no other boys my age around for easy access, after all. Preparing my acting like a boy in school ground, at the start of the school, won't it be too late already?

Aurora is preparing the boy's costumes in my size, so from my side, I have to think up various scenarios that might happen and decide their countermeasures.

Aside from clearing the beasts away from Aurora, I have no other interest to interact more than necessary with them. So, please teach me how to be a man!

"No, that's..." Europa is covering his face, "I don't know anymore,"

"You know a lot. I know you are secretly a bookworm too," I contradict him, just because

"...I mean, I don't know how to teach you to be a man," Europa speaks up, glaring at me slightly, "Don't call me that,"

"I am a bookworm, and I don't mind it," I raise an eyebrow in challenge, "There's no need for you to mind it too,"

"I just don't like that word," Europa looks away, hiding his face from me

Don't like that word...? Ah! "You don't like worms, right? Not even hearing the word, isn't it?!"

I am right! Europa is shuddering in disgust by the name of the bug I utter. Sorry, sorry. I will stop saying that particular word for your sake. It's not like I like worms either.

"Back to topic. You said you don't know how to teach me to be a man. Then, what can you teach me?" I ask, taking a swing of my practice sword absent-mindedly. We are just resting from a spar, after all.

Europa turns back to me, relieved that I am not saying that W-word anymore, I know.

"...I suppose I can teach you the manners," Europa murmurs, thoughtful

I instantly make an unpleasant expression.

Now, smiling evilly in my eyes, Europa puts a hand on my shoulder, "Shall we start with the dancing lesson?"

"I have no plan to dance," I reject, pushing the hand on my shoulder away

"You might need to whisk away Aurora in the middle of a dance," Europa points out, solving one of the problems I thought of with this one sentence

Concede defeat, I accept the hand Europa offers, "I will be in your care,"

Europa smiles, less evilly this time.


Preparation number two, from the book 'Masking Your Intention', is to not let others find out about my plan. Example, Mother and the beasts. They absolutely can not find out this plan of mine!

The plan goes like this. Aurora has made a point, for me to have a comfortable school life without being under anyone's scrutiny, I shall attend the school as myself, Asia the girl. In the meanwhile, we will scout out various places as our hiding bases before the first party is held.

Once the first party of our school year starts, Asian the boy will debut. Hopefully, as a boy, I will still be under the radar... Until Aurora needs my help in chasing off persistent beasts.

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