Ch.18 Searching.

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3rd person's pov.

All day Ken, Chikusa and Chrome were trying to calm both Mist and Both Cloud from attacking each other.

"Nufufufu~ Can't believe I'm stuck with a pineapple and some idiot skylark." Daemon said.

"Kufufufu~ say by the melon." Mukuro said.

"Hn. Herbivores." Alaude and Kyoya said they look at each other and give a glare.

"Neh, Guys how about we continue our mission to find Bossu. Beside, You don't want to be stuck in the Ice right?" Chrome said that send chill to the Mist and Cloud.

"Stuck in Ice?" Ken question.

Then Chrome tell the story where Kyoya and Mukuro fight because Mukuro call Kyoya a 'idiot Herbivore skylark' and Kyoya call him 'pineapple herbivore'. The fight cause the Kitchen almost destroy,in the end they were stuck in Ice by Tsuna.

Ken and Chikusa laugh about that matter. "Well, I kinda admit that Mukuro-sama has a shape on pineapple head." Ken said laughing.

"Hn. See? Even your childhood friend call you a pineapple head you Pineapple herbivore." Kyoya said.

"Kufufufu~ Ken? Did you just went to that idiot skylark side?" Mukuro ask childishly.

"N-No. Its just your really are a...Hahahaha" Ken laugh because Mukuro did really look like a Pineapple.

But that Laugh was stop when Kyoya hit ken softly. "Hey Why you did that?" Ken said to Kyoya.

"Sh~ Herbivores." Alaude said as they saw something familiar,something...

"Alaude? Those are..." Daemon said.

"Hn." Alaude said.

"What are those?" Chrome ask.

"Its call Black flames Illusion. They are black flames with a form of human body." Alaude said.

"Its more likely work by illusionist but, I doubt that highly." Daemon said.

"Oya? Why?" Mukuro ask.

"It can only done by a massive Illusionist flame user. Like the melon herbivore and you. " Alaude said.

"But in this Era, there many strong Illusionist here. And they use it to create crimes." Daemon said.

"I'arrest them to death." Alaude said.

"Oya? Can you wait? Maybe there layout is something to do with the  Decimo." Daemon said.

"Hn." Alaude.

"Kufufufu~ Somehow that Cloud is really look like you Skylark-ch-" Mukuro said but he cut his sentence when he notice that Kyoya was out of nowhere.

"Oya? Where did that skylark go?" Mukuro ask.

"Up there." Chikusa said an pointed on the rooftop.

"Hey Pineapple Herbivore and Melon Herbivore, Use your mist to travel and snick inside this were house. Something is going on inside." Kyoya said.

"Oya? Are you ordering us?" Mukuro ask. Kyoya gave a death glare.

"Fine. Fine. Can't Believe I'm going to take orders from the idiot skylark." Mukuro said as he disappear from the mist.

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