Ch.10 Guardians

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3rd Person's pov.

"Wait.... What!?" Tsuna said. Suddenly his face became more pale, and his hands is trembling.

"Reborn, Pls don't send my guardians here. I'm ok here, beside Giotto-nii and the others are here I'll be fine." Tsuna said.

"Don't worry Reborn-san. We will take care of Tsuna." Asari said.

"But, Tsuna. If your guardians are there then the Vongola will be much stronger. It will be easy to defeat the Nynelio famiglia." Reborn said.

"I agree Tsuna. Your guardians can help if an attack will come." Giotto said.

"I know they are strong. Strong enough to defeat the enemies right away.But..." Tsuna said and pause and look down.

"But?" Giotto ask.

"But they are strong enough to cause you more paperworks. I know how paperworks is hell so I don't want to cause trouble to you Giotto-nii. I could already imagine that this mansion will be destroy because of there idiotness." Tsuna said.

Everybody in the room laugh, except for a certain someone who just smirk and Giotto who was smile and became amused. "This kid is such honest and kind. No wonder his Neo Vongola Primo, No wonder he is the future Vongola Decimo. I'm happy that Vongola was ruled by him." Giotto thought.

"But Tsuna, Even if you say No! They kinda already ready. If I'm not mistaken they already in there." Reborn said.

"HHHHEEEEEIIIIII!? No-noway." Tsuna said. He stand up and open one of the window in the meeting room. He was sure that he appeared around there somewhere, somewhere on the bust.

Then Tsuna and the others saw a pink smoke appeared in the bush, then it appeared 7 people appeared.

"Juudaime, where are you? Juudaime?" Hayato shouted.

"Maa~ Maa~ calm down Hayato-kun. Probably Tsuna is around here somewhere." Takeshi said.

"Shut up, you baseball freak!" Hayato said.

"Woah, they really look like G and Asari." Giotto said.

"Guys! I'm here." Tsuna said as he went outside using the window and jump towards them.

"Juudaime/ Omnivore/ Tsuna/ Sawada/ Tsuna-nii/ Tsunayoshi-kun/ Bossu" They all said as they went to Tsuna.

"Glad your ok Tsuna." Takeshi said.

"I miss you Tsuna-nii." 9 years old Lambo said.

"I miss you too, Lambo." Tsuna said while smiling.

"So Tsuna? Is this your guardians?" Giotto said.

"Oh yes. I'll introduce them to you." Tsuna said.

"This is Gokudera Hayato. The ancestor of Gokudera G and my Storm Guardian." Tsuna said.

"What the heck!? His my descendant?" G thought.

"Nice to meet you Primo and the others, specially the pink old man!" Hayato said.

"What did he just say!? For Do i really have such an annoying and a brat descendant like him!? Did he just say my head is pink!?" G thought in annoyance.

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