CH.5 Introducing

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3rd person's Pov.

In the past.

As Tsuna was assisted by the maids to the dinning room, he then saw that the room was a chaos. Just like his guardians Cloud Vs Mist, Storm Vs Sun, Lighting who ignore and being lazy as usual and Rain who try to calm everybody else.

Tsuna smile a bit seeing the chaos in the room, it kinda reminds him about his guardians how they always make a mess and cause him paperworks as usual. He then sigh.

"You guys stop, Can you just be normal for one day!?" An angry giotto shouted making Tsuna jump in shock.

"Sorry Tsuna if my guardians act like a bunch of wild animal." Giotto said.

"N-No Pro-Problem." Tsuna said then Giotto assist Tsuna to sit beside him. As they settled down the maids set there dinners in the table. Then each one of them eat quietly.

"Tsuna, I believe that we didn't introduce our self yet." Giotto broke the  silent, Tsuna just nod.

"Then my name is Giotto di Vongola  known as Vongola Primo. you could call me Giotto if you like." Giotto said with a smile to Tsuna.

"Hai, Giotto-nii." Tsuna reply with a smile.

"Hoy Primo, you sure you allow the spy to call you by your first name?" G ask.

"The Pink, I mean Red hair just talk now is G, his eventually my storm guardian." Giotto said and ignoring G's question.

"Hoy, Don't Ignore me." G said.

"Hm. G-nii." Tsuna said with a smile but his kinda trembling since he knows G is not a calm person.

"Tsk." G said and continue eating.

"That guy name Asari, His my rain." Giotto said.

"Nice too meet you Tsunayoshi-kun. I really doubt that your a spy." Asari said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Asari-nii chan." Tsuna said with a smile. Asari really reminds him about Takeshi,he wonder what is Takeshi doing right now. Is he happy that a Dame Tsuna like him is gone? 

He shrug that thought away and look at Giotto again. "That guy was Lampo,my lighting guardian." Giotto said while pointing at Lampo.

"Un. Lampo-nii." Tsuna said.

"The spy should bow to ore-sama." Lampo said.

"His not a spy to the EXTREME." Knuckle said. But Lampo ignore and continue his meal.

"The Extreme guy is Knuckle my sun." Giotto said.

"EXTREMELY nice to meet you Tsunayoshi." Knuckle said.

"Tsuna is fine Knuckle-nii." Tsuna said. Knuckle reminds him about his EXTREME Onii-san, he wonder what his Onii-san be doing right now.

"Hn. Herbivore don't be too loud or I'll arrest you to death." Alaude said.

"The one who speak earlier is Alaude my aloof cloud." Giotto said.

"Hn. Spy Herbivore." Alaude said.

"Alaude-nii." Tsuna said. Calling him Herbivore reminds him about Kyoya, Kyoya who he was scared but at the same time who makes him feel safe. He hope that Kyoya and the Pineapple guy don't cause too much paperworks when he come back.

"Then the last one is Daemon. My mist." Giotto said.

"Nufufufu~ Tsunayoshi." Daemon said.

"Hn. Melon-nii." Tsuna said but he cover his mouth and slap his mouth slightly. Everybody heard that laugh, except for Alaude who just smirk. "Sorry.. Daemon-nii." Tsuna said.

"Nufufufu~ A punishment should be given to the spy Primo." Daemon said.

"Nope, his not going to be punish." Giotto said.

"Nufufufu~ But he did call me a melon." Daemon said.

"Hn. Melon herbivore." Alaude said.

"Oya? The cloud has a death wish." Daemon said.

Alaude ignore it and continue eating.

With creepy laugh, Tsuna remember his mist. A certain pineapple head with the same creepy laugh and also a playful mist. He hope that his mist and cloud will get along when his not around. He really needs to go back to his time fast before his cloud and mist will cause him more paperworks.

Tsuna sigh heavily. "Tsuna? Is there something wrong?" Giotto said. Tsuna shook his head. Giotto notice that Tsuna didn't eat that much, he also notice that Tsuna is looking more pale, more weak and fragile. He looks like that a wind can just make him fall down.

"Tsuna? There is something wrong a-" Giotto said but was cut when someone shout were under attack.

Giotto order Tsuna at the mansion and the rest of the guardians went out to fight. Tsuna sigh.

I wonder if his Vongola was under attack too. How can they defend without there sky?

He clench his two hands thinking that he really needs to go back.


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Hope you like it 😄😄

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