Ch. 16 An Offer.

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3rd Person's Pov

Mukuro was looking at the nightsky in his window as Chrome was lying softly in the bed.

"Kufufufu~ Since when do you planning to stay there Skylark-chan?" Mukuro ask as he could feel the presence of Kyoya somewhere in tree beside his window.

"Hn. I know that there your pack but, don't blame your self that they got involved in this. Beside you own me a fight for possessing my body." Kyoya said as he close his eyes and ready to sleep under the tree.

"Your catch a cold stupid Cloud." Mukuro said.

"Hn." Kyoya simply ignore.

"Your really are mysterious. Ken, Chikusa..." Mukuro said. His really worried for his two friends.














As for Tsuna he tell what is the connection of Mukuro to Ken and Chikusa and what is the Connection between Him and Byakuran, ofcorse some part are edited.

"Then your mist truly hate Mafia and almost set a world war?" Giotto question.

"Yes, at first I really didn't thought that he will be my mist." Tsuna said.

Then he explain Byakuran Gesso who once an enemy but a good friend today.

After some explanation have done, The 1st gen. Promise that they will help and bring back the friends of Tsuna. Tsuna can't thank Giotto and the rest enough.

After that Tsuna decided to sleep again even though his intuition is ringing like hell. As soon as Tsuna reach his new room and the bed, Tsuna felt asleep already.

Tsuna then wake up noticing that he was on the sea shore. "Huh? how did I got here?" Tsuna question hisself then Aki sit beside him.

"Hey Decimo." Aki said then Tsuna was shock and back away from aki.

"The hell you want Aki?" Tsuna ask.

"To destroy Vongola thats all." Aki said.

"Why would you do that?" Tsuna ask.

"Easy, I want that my Famiglia to became the strongest." Aki said.

"But your Famiglia is already the strongest." Tsuna said.

"No, I want my famiglia just like Vongola, a strong Famiglia." Aki said.

Tsuna sigh. "You know the key to became a successful Famiglia is Trust and Faith. If you have a Trust and Faith towards your family Your Famiglia will be strong." Tsuna said.


Mini major skip.

When Mukuro saw the Skylark was already asleep. He was about to sleep too, but his thoughts flew towards Ken and Chikusa. He can't erase his thoughts about them so he decided to talk to his sky.

Its a Pain if he will walk towards Tsuna's room so he decided to meet Tsuna on his dream then there he saw. Tsuna was talking to the enemy. Aki, he hides his presence carefully since Tsuna can detect him.

"Are you not afraid if your Family will betray you? I mean... Your Storm, Rain, Mist, Cloud, Lighting, and Sun. Surely they will find another sky and regret on why did they follow you." Aki said.

Tsuna kept silent and hide his eyes with his hair.  Then he sigh.

"Yes, I know someday they will realize that they follow a Dame Sky, like me and betrayed me. But until that day won't happen, I my faith and Trust will remain." Tsuna said.

Mukuro who heard what Tsuna said clench his fist. "What the hell are you saying Tsunayoshi-kun?" Mukuro thought.

"Then your willing to sacrifice yourself for them?" Aki said.

"Yeah, I will." Tsuna said.

"Then I had an offer. " Aki said.

"Offer?" Tsuna ask.

"I'll return Kawahira, Byakuran, Ken and Chikusa. One Condition, surrender your self to me." Aki said.

"I accept it." Tsuna said without a hestation.

Then Mukuro came out from where he hidding and summon his trident and attack Aki but it was block by Kawahira.

"Alelele? Looks like a pineapple demon is here?" Aki said.

"Why you, give Ken and Chikusa back." Mukuro demand.

"Ofcourse. Beside the Decimo said yes to the offer didn't he?" Aki said.

Then Mukuro hold Tsuna on the hands. "Your not taking my sky." Mukuro said seriously as he was emitting a dark aurora.

"Oh, sad to say it was too late." Aki said.

Tsuna then was pulled by Byakuran who currently posses. Byakuran release some black flames and lit infront of Tsuna which Tsuna cause to lost conscious.

"Tsunayoshi-kun!" Mukuro said as then the world collapse as everything did collapse. Then Mukuro wake up.

"Mukuro-sama? Are you ok?" Chrome ask.

"Hn, Pineapple Herbivore." Kyoya said.

"Tsunayoshi?. Let's go to Tsunayoshi's room." Mukuro said in panic as he stand up and went to Tsunayoshi room.

As he slam the door open, it reveled 4 bodies but no Tsunayoshi.

"Ken, Chikusa-nii." Chrome said as he went closer to them and try to wake them up.

Kyoya try to wake up the Marshmallow Herbivore.

Then the others and the 1st guardians came. Primo help Kawahira. Primo order Knuckle and Ryohei to check the bodies and healed them if injured.

After several times of waking Up. the four bodies wake up.

Thanks for reading
Hope you like it 😄😄😄

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