Ch.17 Mission.

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3rd persons. Pov.

When the four bodies fully wake up. Mukuro and the others explain the situation to them.

"So you mean the person who free you from Vindince name Tsunayoshi was captured by this Aki? Mukuro-sama?" Chikusa said.

"Yes, he was." Mukuro said as he clench his Trident.

"Tsu-chan. " Byakuran look down.

"Your Byakuran Gesso right?" Primo appeared behind Byakuran with his guardians.

"Pri- Primo?" Byakuran said.

Then the rest of the 10th generation guardians explain to them that they are currently 400 hundred years in the past. In the time of Giotto di Vongola. The founder of Vongola Mafia Famiglia the worlds strongest Mafia.

"My name is Giotto di Vongola or Vongola Primo." Giotto said calm and politely.

"Gokudera G. Storm guardian." G said.

"Yamamoto Asari. Rain Guardian" Asari said.

"EXTREME KNUCKLE. Sun." Knuckle said.

"Hn. Alaude cloud." Alaude said.

"Nufufufu~ Daemon Spade. Mist." Daemon said.

"Lampo. Lighting." Lampo said.

Then the four people start to notice the similarities of the 1st and 10 generation guardians.

Like G and Hayato
Kyoya and Alaude
Asari and Takeshi
Knuckle and Ryohei
Lambo and Lampo
Lastly is Mukuro and Daemon.

"Nufufufu~ Don't compare me to a pineapple." Daemon said.

"Kufufufu~ said by the melon." Mukuro said as they glare to each other.

"Tsk, why are you arguing when you both have a fruit heads!" G said.

"A melon and a pineapple mix with creepy laugh! Tsk, annoying" Hayato said.

"Ku/Nufufufu~ Looks who's talking Tako-head!" Mukuro and Daemon said.

"The hell you say!" G and Hayato said, the next thing you know the garden was a battle field.

"Hn, how do Tsunayoshi-kun survive this idiotness environment?" Kawahira said.

"Probably, stack of paper works." Byakuran said.

"Paper works?" Ken question.

Then Chrome explain to Ken and Chikusa how there lives went so far, the lives they didn't dream but they are thankful happen. She also explain that Mukuro and Kyoya were the most destructive guardians that is because they cause more paperworks to Tsuna.

Beside all of this started with the idiotness of the guardians.

The day where Chrome just called Tsuna for breakfast the next thing you know The bazooka fly towards Tsuna and hit him and send him here 400 years back at the past.

The four people just laugh hearing how the problem start.

"Hahaha, I can't believe iT." Byakuran said as he got some marshmallow and eat it.

"Heh? Where did that marshmallow came from?" Lambo suddently appeared beside byakuran.

"Want some?" Byakuran offer, Lambo happily accepted.

"So Chrome, all of this are they Mafia?" Chikusa question.

"Yes, They are." Chrome said.

Then they heard a loud Thud! They saw that Giotto was emitting a dark aurora. Everybody gulp and settled down.

"Now that everybody is calm I sent you to a mission." Giotto said.

"The clouds, And Mists along with this two (pointing to Ken and Chikusa) will be at the east and north part of Italy. You guys will look from every hiding spot that it can be,m Got it?" Giotto said.

They nodded.

"The storms and Suns will take the West part and Rain and Lighting will take the south part." Giotto said.

"As the two of you, Kawahira and Byakuran will help Bermuda to look for there pray Aki Tsubaki."Giotto said.

All of them nodded.

"The mission will start tomorrow." Giotto said.

After a some discussion they are dismiss and went to sleep.


Thank you for reading
Hope you like it 😄😄

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