Chapter Eighteen

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From Leokadia's room, I could hear the merriment and music from outside. She added final touches to my hair and dress before Mama navigated us through the house and out into the crowd of what I assumed was the Polish community. My presence interrupted the conversations, though I was silent before I walked among them. Mama strode hand in hand with me down a path that had been cleared. "Don't worry about them dear, just be you and you will be fine. I will take care of my granddaughter. have fun dear!" At the end of the path stood a familiar face. Izaak was dressed head to boot in gold and green with his blonde hair lying flat on his chest. I strode into his arms under their watchful eyes. "For once she listened when I said that simple suits you! Now listen, before the other festivities begin, the people the event is about- us- initiate the first dance, which can be anything so long as the crowd can begin Polonaise." He bowed as I curtsied in return. The music started again, and I could hardly tell if we were dancing or floating. When he dipped me, I recognized the song to be the one that I learned to skate to when Izaak taught. He spun me away and back into him as the last note sang, then he bowed once more. The people clapped and went back to their chatter, to my relief, and I joined hands with Izaak.

A table had been specifically set for us filled with many goodies and treats as well as dishes and wines. Though we never left each other's sides, we kept our hands together. I received many warm welcomes and gifts from the people who came to me as the celebration went on. Mama gave me the baby so that she could spend time with her friends, and I didn't mind the comfort that Natalina gave me. Izaak leaned into me and smoothed the loose strands from my face. "Have you ever wanted to be apart of something like this? Growing up, I used to hate these parties because we'd have them too often and the parents would set up practice parties to teach kids the appropriate manners. Being away has almost made me miss them. I always thought that if I ever had my own children, that I wouldn't be so hard on them about the method of these rituals. These aren't even Polish!" I realized I had never thought much about how I would raise my own children other than that I would raise them in love. Seeing that for now we have Natalina, this was definitely a discussion we needed to have. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles as the next song began. "I suppose I did have a taste for wanting to do something new and more than the town offered, this certainly wasn't what I had in mind. You want your own children?" "Definitely, I would! Imagine waking up to giggles and little feet as you wake up in the morning; seeing the amazement in their eyes when you tell them bedtime stories; when they fall and get hurt and you come to their rescue with a cookie and a hug; watching them grow each day in size and mind; observe as they create relationships and do stupid things to impress. It is hardly work, but fun and love. I am hoping that when we return to Ludovica that I can adopt Natalina, that we can adopt Natalina." My eyes meandered around the streets of people feasting and partaking in Polonaise. "And love her like nobody's watching?" "As I for you."

As the night began to wane, I enjoyed the company of his family. They were a bit of a rowdy bunch, however, they all seemed pleased with my character. I was wandering in crowd trying to get Natalina to go back to sleep when Ojciec appeared with a large grin. "Come with me, we must speak." He put his arm around my shoulders as we approached the steps of their home. From the tops of the steps, I had a clear view of the streets and the party. "Rachela, my son has been free roaming man for few years; Mama and I received hardly visit or letter from him up until he settled in Ludovica. How is his life there? I know I should be asking him, but he quiet." I giggled at our common relation. It would seem that he's always been a little soft spoken and out of other's reach. "Izaak is the town butcher. He spends a lot of his down time with me and our dog, Beast. He has a log cabin miles outside the city that he built himself. I would like to think him as happy- seeing as we have our baby. He has many aspirations left to start or complete- it's amazing how he still doesn't tire of Ludovica, yet he used to travel so much." "I see. Sometimes I wish that my boy would come home and stay with his family once again. But every time he visits now, he comes more frequent for shorter days. Thank you for bringing him home, no matter how short you choose to stay." I wanted to have something more that I could tell him about Izaak, but I didn't bring any of that knowledge to light. Izaak found me at the stairs still failing to get her to rest, and more exhausted than I would admit. He lifted me to my feet- which were sore and blistering- and we went inside the house. Instantly, I kicked off the shoes and removed the pins from my hair as we went up the stairs. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you danced the night away. But since I know better, it's okay if you don't like the shoes or the way she did your hair. Leokadia just thinks she knows best." I shrugged and laid Natalina on the bed. He sat beside us with a brilliant complexion that contrasted with the twisted look in his eye. "I almost miss Ludovica already. The green surroundings, the tiny gatherings, the small amounts of even smaller minded people, the clean scent: all of it is so enjoyable, but I suppose that I am rather harsh for only being here one night. Say, your father wanted some insight on how you've been. I understand that you don't like to give your parents a lot of knowledge about your business, but why?" I sensed a flush of heat as his mind nearly slipped the truth to his eyes. "There was an incident I was involved in that made me leave years ago. To be blunt, I killed a man. I was 19 and on my father's boat for a week long trip. Ojciec trusted me with taking a fishing trip as a sea captain. So there I was, with seven men as my crew sailing along the coast of Florida. It was good fishing in the warmer water, but a storm hit, and a lot of the catch was lost. In truth, my father expected such a loss and wanted to find out how I would react when I got home. There was a man named Samuel on my boat who had just been hired. He was always paranoid about something, and when that day happened, he pointed a pistol at me and declared that I give him the money on board. The other men kept to their work as he threatened me. He held his weapon to my chest and repeated his demands. Instead of listening, I took the pistol from him and smacked him with the butt. I threw it down on top of him and began to walk away when I saw the blood from his head. I navigated the men home and gave myself to the police. After 19 years I finally was released because the prison where I was staying was full, and they cut my sentence because I was exemplary. The moment I got out I visited my family, then rode my horse into the night. I don't tell them or really anyone much because my father and family left me to rot when I needed them. It was almost as if they actually thought I would be malicious to someone like that. I didn't want to say anything about that to you, but I guess now you know." "Izaak, you don't have to feel this way with me. I have seen so much good in you that I can't even fathom the thought that you would do something like that for evil." He grew distant, but I didn't want him to leave or feel singled out. I had never seen him this way before. Izaak's eyes were glassy, his heartbeat felt low, he lost the color in his face, and he drew me to worry. I crawled onto his lap and hugged him around the neck. "Come hell or high water I swear to you, Izaak, your past, present, and future will not scare me away, and neither will I desert you due to them." I didn't move as I waited for a response of some kind, but it was awhile before Izaak gave in and returned the embrace.

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