~February 19, 2016 (Liskook)~

Depuis le début

We were packing up and Lisa came up to me.

"Hey can you keep teaching me to choreography for Dope?" Lisa said fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah sure. How about you guys come over for dinner and we can practice before dinner." I said grabbing my jacket. She nodded and walked away. She told the others and we walked to the van. We all fit into one and waited until we got to the dorm. We walked to the dorm and walked to the spare room we have.

Jin and Jisoo were cooking dinner, Jimin and Rose were watching TV, Yoongi and Jennie were in Yoongi's room composing music. We started from the top and I went up behind Lisa and took her hands again. I moved them to the right spots and moved her to the right beat. We did this until Jin called us for dinner.

I went to my room and grabbed two towels and went to the spare room. I tossed the towel to Lisa and she caught it. She took out spare clothes out of her bag and went to the bathroom. She came out 5-7 minutes later dressed. We both headed to the kitchen and started eating. 

The girls had headed out and I was laying down in bed with my phone in my hand. It wasn't on but I was debating on either texting Lisa or not. I turned on my phone and remembered that the wallpaper was the picture that we took at the mall. I smiled and went to my messages.


-Jungkook- hey, thanks for letting me teaching you how to dance to Dope. Lets practice dope on our spare time and after practice you can come over and we practice like we did today.

*Lalice is typing..........*

-Lalice- hey. no i should be the one thank you because i really learned a lot and thank you so much for teaching me. that would be great i'll just ask and if i could go then yeah let's do it. 

-Jungkook- ok i'll just be here 

-Lalice- they said i could go and they'll be with me when we go to the dorm. ohh and Rose is asking if we could stay at you dorm tomorrow because it's Saturday and she already asked our manger?

-Jungkook- yeah that would be fine. I have to go but goodnight. see you tomorrow.

-Lalice- goodnight <3

-Jungkook- <3


I shut my phone and knocked on Jin's door.

"Hey the girls asked if they could stay here tomorrow night because it's Saturday and they already asked their manger. Can they?" I said looking at him. 

"Yeah. We'll discuss everything tomorrow at practice." Jin said. I nodded and said 'goodnight'. 

I walked to my room and got in bed. I was falling asleep every second. Practice was fun today especially with Lisa.

~Lisa's POV~

"Umm...I was done and I decided to use this room for practice. Do you mind me practicing here?" I asked putting my stuff done on the floor. Jungkook just nodded and plugged in his headphones and started dancing again. Jungkook took a break and I was still here. Jungkook sat down and watched me practice. I had headphones on but I could see his reflection on the mirror.

It was break time for all of us but Jungkook just stayed with me.

We talked for a while and we talked about how I wanted to try different choreography from other songs. I thought about it and by the time I got it, break was over and we had to go back to practicing.

It was individual and I took Lisa because I wanted her to practice more. We went to the same room and practiced until she was done with all the songs and we took a break.

"Hey, want to try one of our songs? I can teach you the choreography for them." Jungkook said taking a sip of my water.

"Yeah sure." I said getting up. We practiced 'Dope' because it was a face paced song. Jungkook taught me all the moves and step by step we put the moves together. I had a tough time with some of the face paced moves so Jungkook helped me and helped me move my arms correctly.

We spent the rest of practice doing 'Dope'. I had some parts down and I still had some mistakes here or there. We practiced 'Dope' and when I had a hard time Jungkook would help me. Jungkook went up behind me and put his hand on mine and guided me on how to do each step.

The door creaked open and I moved away.

"Hey ummm... we're done with the break and it's time for them to practice the performance. Soo....." Jimin said look at the both of us.

"Yeah we'll be there. I'll just collect some things here." Jungkook said looking at Jimin then at me. I walked over to her stuff and grabbed it.

I walked out following Jungkook and we walked to the other room. Jungkook watched the performance and watched how I was moving. Jungkook watched me and when I had a mistake we would stop and take it from the top.

It was about almost 11:50 so we practiced each song with one go and they got it down. I noticed that we finished the songs and we were packing up.

We were packing up and I walked up to Jungkook.

"Hey can you keep teaching me to choreography for Dope?" I said fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah sure. How about you guys come over for dinner and we can practice before dinner." Jungkook said grabbing his jacket. I nodded and walked away. I told the others and we walked to the van. We all fit into one and waited until we got to the dorm. We walked to the dorm and walked to the spare room we have.

Jin and Jisoo were cooking dinner, Jimin and Rose were watching TV, Yoongi and Jennie were in Yoongi's room composing music. We started from the top and Jungkook went up behind me and took my hands again. Jungkook moved them to the right spots and moved me to the right beat. We did this until Jin called us for dinner.

Jungkook left the room and when he came back he threw a towel at me at I put it around me. I took out some spare clothes and went to the bathroom. I freshened up and when I came out Jungkook and I went to the kitchen and started eating and talked to each other.

We  had headed out and I was laying down in bed with my phone in my hand. I turned on my phone and remembered that the wallpaper was the picture that we took at the mall. I smiled and I smiled when I received a message from Jungkook. I opened it.


-Kookie- hey, thanks for letting me teaching you how to dance to Dope. Lets practice dope on our spare time and after practice you can come over and we practice like we did today.

-Lisa- hey. no i should be the one thank you because i really learned a lot and thank you so much for teaching me. that would be great i'll just ask and if i could go then yeah let's do it.

-Kookie- ok i'll just be here

-Lisa- they said i could go and they'll be with me when we go to the dorm. ohh and Rose is asking if we could stay at you dorm tomorrow because it's Saturday and she already asked our manger?

-Kookie- yeah that would be fine. I have to go but goodnight. see you tomorrow.

-Lisa- goodnight <3

-Kookie- <3


I closed my phone and put it on the night stand. I looked to my side and looked out my window. I got up and went to the window. I looked up and saw the stars. I saw a shooting star and closed my eyes and when I was done I opened them. I walked back to my bed and faced the window. After a while I fell asleep and I thought about that wish.

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