Things to Motivate Me Through the School Year

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Potions class right?
Dan can sing the periodic table of elements, why shouldn't I?

Watching Villainous without English subtitles ayyy
Legit all my friends are Hispanic.

Consumer Maths-
One step closer to moving out and being independent.
For the sake of Ford's math knowledge, I'll do it.

Gotta be a grammar nazi ayyy

Language Arts-
I could sneak Dodie lyrics in there.
Voltron reference, VolTRoN rEfREnce, VOLtrOn RefREnCE, VOLTRON REFRENCE, VO-

Alexander Hamilton better be proud of me.
Fight me on evolution, Helen.

Electric swing on piano? Yes please.
Who is Rebecca Sugar you ask?

That's defiantly not a cartoon character whaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
Once again, you're asking who Rebecca Sugar is.

This is pretty much for myself so don't pay much attention.

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