My Person

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Do you ever just watch one of your friends and you think,"that right there is my favorite person.  Aren't they amazing?" and you just adore them and you want to randomly hug them because they are amazing?! Do you ever have that friend that when you're freaking out because you feel like nothing you do is good enough, you can almost hear some kind of witty comment that they made and it makes you feel rejuvenated?!

Let me tell you, it's amazing to have this friend, even if you're just a friend to them, it's amazing to have someone that you can think about and say,"they're my absolute favorite," and you get to the point where you have to tell them, and you do, and it feels great, even though they don't feel the same way, it's great that they know that they mean something to you!

This person might be reading this (although I doubt it, he never checks his Wattpad,) and if you are- hey. You mean a lot to me, you idiot.

The Book of Me 3 (2016 MAY-2017 DEC)Where stories live. Discover now