Wow Some Interesting Stuff

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You know what's healthy? Learning to play an instrument even though it might be challenging.

You know what's not healthy? When you have an actual mental breakdown whenever you see said instrument unless someone else is playing it so you don't have to.


People are always like "asexuality isn't real" but idk man here I am.


*hears song*
I will listen to this for the next three weeks.


*Doing history project with earbuds in*
So I thing we should put this he-AFTER THE WAR I WENT BACK TO NEW YORK A-AFTER THE WAR- what oh sorry I didn't realize.


*narrows eyes* you have a cute face, sir, can I poke it


I've decided to be a cat.
Cats have it good.


Disney, I understand representing everyone but my homophobic parents need to let me watch this.


I have done nothing today but I mean neither has this cat.


This subject it unneeded, can you teach me how to do my taxes instead?

The Book of Me 3 (2016 MAY-2017 DEC)Where stories live. Discover now