S- Guess we both have a lot to learn about crushes.

T- Totally. But we're always there for each other.

I smiled.

T- Life was so much simpler without boys and relationships.

S- But no matter what happens we will always be... friends.

I hesitated.

S- So are we friends?

T- No, we're best friends.

We both embraced each other, marking the end of the feud.

S- Okay Tomiks we have another issue.

T- I'm all ears.

S- Asher and I broke up.

T- Oh I'm sorry Sum, you okay?

S- I'm okay. But now Freddy and I are stuck in this endless loop of friendship. He's so stuck on us being friends because he didn't want to ruin my relationship with Asher.

T- Wow that's tough. And you're positive he likes you back?

I nodded my head.

S- We both shared how we felt about each other then agreed to be friends.

Tomika sighed.

S- I even tried to tell him about my breakup but I wasn't able to.

T- I think you need to really show Freddy how you feel. You need some sort of attention getter. Ooh maybe destroy his hair gel, then he'll do whatever...

I put my hand in front of Tomika.

S- Ya let's not do that.

T- Fine, but again try and just get his attention.

S- Hmm. I'm on it.

T- Sum?

S- Tomiks?

T- I think we should head to class now, the bell rang fifteen minutes ago.

S- Oh right. What would I do without you Tomiks?

We bolted up then dashed down the halls, running into the classroom.

T- Sorry we're late Mr. Finn.

M- No problem you guys are just in time actually. Lawrence and Kale were going to perform their duet.

Lawerence and Kale both stood at the front of the class.

L- Introducing the musical stylings of Lale!

K- Don't worry we have one more day to work on that.

Mr. Finn played a back track and Lawrence layered on some piano. Then Kale began to sing.

K- All along it was a fever, a cold sweat hot headed believer. I threw my hands in the air, said, "Show me something..."

Kale continued singing. Her voice was absolutely amazing and really fit well with Lawrence's piano. They ended the song and the class began to cheer.

F- That was awesome!

T- Oh ya that was real cool. Kale you have such an AMAZING voice.

K- Aww thank you Tomika. Well I gotta go, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

S- Bye Kale.

K- Bye everyone!

She left with a smile spread across her face.

M- Okay rockers let's rearrange the desks and get ready to do some learning.

L- Oh wait!

M- What's up L-Train

L- I know Zack and Tomika or Zamika...

Z and T- Really?

L- What? The name will stick. They're unveiling their piece at the party... but what about Summer and Freddy.

The entire class turned and stared at us. Murmuring.

We both looked at each other, knowing we weren't ready to perform.

S- Um you see Mr. Finn the thing is...

F- ... that I forgot to bring my guitar. We need it for the song.

I looked back and he smiled.

M- Well why don't you guys run it by me this afternoon?

F- Sure thing Mr. Finn.

---------Time Jump----------

Freddy POV

Summer and I performed our duet together and it was a truly magical experience. We were somehow able to pull it off and we both played our hearts out. I met up with Summer so we could walk back home together.... just as friends.

Hey everyone so sorry I haven't updated in a while but here is another update as promised!! Thank you to everyone who has been reading... this book has over 2k reads?! I can't thank everyone enough for reading!! Don't forget to vote and comment!! 💜 To be continued... Also thank you to @magconisbaeandlife for suggesting the song Stay

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