Chapter 12

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*Caitlin's POV*

We all sit in the hotel room looking at each other. I bite my lip and sneak a glance at Mitch who looks at me. I blush slightly and look away embarrassed to be caught staring. I liked him a lot, and I'm sure he likes me but I'm just too nervous. I get up and go to my bag. Everyone turns their attention to me but I ignore it and grab my sketchpad and a pencil. I start sketching and everyone slowly starts talking. I sigh in relief that the attention wasn't on me anymore. I tuck a strand of my brown hair behind my ear to keep it from falling in my face.

"Whatcha drawing?", Mitch asks sitting next to me.

"I'm not sure yet.", I shrug.

"What do you mean you're not sure?"

"I just start drawing. It'll be Minecraft but I don't know for sure.", I say sketching out a body.

"Hmm I see.", he says.


"Well how long does it take?", he asks and I see him move alittle closer out of the corner of my eye.

"Depends on what I draw."

"Ahh, when will you know?", he asks moving closer again.

"Like I said it depends."

"Lots of questions to it."

"Yeah, but I like it."

"Well you're good at drawing so you must like it."

"Well yeah, that's a big part of me."

"So how do you decide what to draw?"

"How I feel."

"What do you mean how you feel.", he asks moving close enough, I could feel his breath on neck.

"M-My emotions.", I say stuttering slightly, getting nervous. I look at my drawing and realize its slowly turning into Mitch. I erase a few things and try to ignore his eyes on me. I start drawing a chibi type Dean from Supernatural.

"I liked the other drawing."

"I like this one better."

"Oh.", he says his tone sounding slightly upset.

"Yeah..", I say looking at him. We stare at each other for a minute, not moving. Mitch leans in and I quickly turn my head back to my paper nervously. I hear a disappointed sigh and try not to look at Mitch. I glance up and see all eyes on us. I gulp nervously but thankfully Preston and Libby walk through the door breaking the some what present tension. I sigh and go back to drawing, mentally cursing myself for not letting him kiss me.

*Preston's POV*

I walk toward the hotel room with Libby at my side. I had finally kissed her and it was amazing, seriously the best kiss I've ever had. After that she was really quiet and awkward, making me more nervous than before. My mind runs at a thousand mile per hour with possibilities.

What if she actually doesn't like me. What if she didn't like the kiss. What if my breath smelt bad.

I shake my head trying to get rid of the thoughts as we walk to the door. We walk in and see everyone looking at Caitlin and Mitch. They slowly turn to look at us and I give Mitch a funny look. He was extremely close to Caitlin who look rather awkward and nervous as she drew on her sketchpad.

"Are you two together.", I mouth to him and he shakes his head.

"Did you kiss her.", I mouth again and he shakes his head in a rather upset manner. I look at Libby who had gone off to talk to the others. I go and sit by Jerome who looks at me.

"Did you kiss her?", he whispers.

"Yes", I nod happily.

"Good for you but did you ask her out?"

"No she acted...different after we kissed."

"How different?"


"Oh well give it time. She's probably shocked you manned up enough to do it."

"Okay but why is Mitch practically on top of Caitlin?"

"Because he almost kissed her."

"Did she reject him?"

"Well sort of she turned away, but she looks really nervous."

"Hmm well it'd probably be better if you lot weren't staring them down."

"Maybe, but oh well."

"What about you and Michaela?", I ask nudging him.

"Nothing happened, I stared...a little."

"A little?"

"Okay a lot, but shut up she'll hear."

"Because she doesn't know already Jerome."

"I haven't asked so no."

"Okay good luck with that."

"Good luck with Libby who you should go talk to."

"Good point.", I say getting up. I leave Jerome and go look for Libby so I could talk to her about what happened.


Hey doods! So I know we haven't updated this in well....forever but we are gonna start updating it again(hopefully xD) I'm not going to ramble so good bye!


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