Chapter 8

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~Libby's P.O.V.~

We all cleaned up our stuff. Once we were done, I was laying on the floor, and suddenly burst out into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Jocelyn asked me.

"N-Nothing," I giggled. "I just remembered something funny,"

"Which is?" Preston asked, reaching his hand down to me. I tempted to take it and pull him down, but instead I let him pull me up.

"Well, one time back in 7th grade, I was lying on the floor in math because I was done with my work. Well, my ex looked down at me and said I was in the perfect position to be raped and yeah." I explained, blushing slightly.

"Wooooow," Jerome said.

"You know the oddest of people," Caitlin reminded.

"That's why I know you," I shrugged. She rolled her eyes at me.

"So, how many people have you dated?" Preston asked, slightly nervous.

"Well, the ones from middle school I honestly don't count, I just say I do for my friend, Jesse's, sake because he says they count, but no. Anyway, Uhm, two?" I questioned, not really knowing. I hadn't dated many people that I actually counted.

"W-Would you consider dating someone now?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know...I just got hurt recently...And I don't think I want to entrust my heart with someone."

Preston sighed. I felt horrible, but what if he hurt me?

"Why don't we go get food?" Mitch suggested, an arm wrapped around Caitlin.

"FOOD?!" Caitlin asked, running to the door.

"Yes, food," Adam said.

"Where are we gonna eat at?" Ty questioned, holding Jocelyn in his arms.

"Why don't we let the girls pick?" Jason suggested.

"We don't know where any thing good is," Michaela said.

"Let's just go look around." Ian said.

"Can we go to a place with either steak or spaghetti?" I asked.

"Is that what you want?" Preston asked me.

I nodded sheepishly.

"Sure," He smiled. I smiled back at him. I will admit, he was hot, and his smile was gorgeous.


We got dinner, and I ordered plain spaghetti, just with a lot of butter on it. Everyone, minus Michaela and Caitlin, looked at me like I was nuts. Well, you know, I have weird eating habits.

Adam whispered something to the waitress after I had ordered, and she nodded, a small, sly smirk rested on her red lips as if she was apart of a secret mission.

We all chatted as we waited for our food to come. It did, and my plate od spaghettie was a lot larger then I expected. It was placed between Preston and I, and suddenly, I knew what Adam had told the waitress.

"Adam, you didn't," I hissed, my eyes narrowing at him.

"Did what?" He asked, clueless.

"You did not tell the waitress to make this plate the size for two so you could recreate the scene from Lady and The Tramp." I growled.

"Oh....that..." Adam grinned at me. "Make it happen,"

"I will murder you," I growled.

"Calm down killer," Caitlin smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and carefully twirled some spaghetti around my fork, slipping into my mouth. Halfway through my meal, I was mindlessly chewing my spaghettie, my lips nearing Preston's. I was able to pull away at the last second, my mind sharpening. Needless to say, I didn't slip into LaLa Land the whole rest of the night.

~Prestons' P.O.V.~

I sighed as she pulled away. She really doesn't like me, does she? Mitch looked at me in sorrow, and I just shrugged. Though, to be honest, I wanted to cry.

I haven't liked someone this much since Sara, and God only knows how much Sara meant to me.

Gosh d@mmit, I will make this girl love me! I don't care what I have to do, this girl will love me before PAX ends!

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