Chapter 10

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*Caitlin's POV*

I sit up and stretch in bed. I hear something hit the floor and look down. I see my phone laying on the ground. Greeeeaaatttt I guess this is what I get for falling asked on it. I pick it up, looking for cracks in the screen. I sigh in relief since there were no cracks. I hear Michaela grumble from her bed and sit up.

"Morning sunshine", I say getting up. Another set of grumbles game from her.I chuckle and get up. I throw a pillow at Libby earning a glare.

"Your interrupting my sleep!", Libby says pulling a pillow over her head.

"Prestons here"

"Wait what?!", she asks springing out of bed.

"Just kidding", I say smiling.  They get up while I look around for food. I find some granola bars in my bag and smile. Wait why were there granola bars in my bag..... Oh well I open it and start eating as Libby walks by.

"Aren't you gonna get dressed?", Libby asks walking toward the bathroom.

"In a minute food first", I say taking another bite. 

She laughs and goes to change. I hear a loud knock and groan. I decide to answer it even though I wasn't dressed yet. I open the door and see the guys. I realize I'm still in my sweatpants with my hair thrown in a terrible ponytail.

"HEY THE GUYS ARE HERE ENTERTAIN THEM",I yell running to go and get dressed. I hear their laughing as I run away.

*Jerome's POV*

We had woken up all the guys and decided to go surprise the girls. We walked to the hotel room and knocked on the door. Caitlin opened it, her eyes growing wide at the sight of us.

"HEY THE GUYS ARE HERE ENTERTAIN THEM", she yelled before disappearing into the hotel room. I laughed at her oddness as she ran off. Michaela walked out looking gorgeous as she had since I met her. I stopped laughing and looked at her with wide eyes. I must have been staring because Mitch flicked the back of my head. I looked at him and rubbed the back of my head.

"What was that for?", I ask pouting slightly.

"Staring isn't nice", he said a slight smirk rested on his lips.

"Whatever", I mutter focusing back on Michaela. Wow she's gorgeous, I would ask her out but. don't want it to be early, I mean we did just meet, but she's so amazing that I don't want to wait. I guess I'll just have to think things over. I was brought out of my thoughts by Mitch flicking me again. 

"Ow...again", I say rubbing where he flicked me.

"You spaced out", he said shrugging. I roll my eyes and try to pay attention to what everyone was saying.


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