Chapter 11

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~Mitch's P.O.V.~

Caitlin walked out of the bathroom shortly after I had flicked Jerome. I wanted to ask her out, but would she go for me this early?

"You alright, dood?" Ian asked me, seeing the thoughtful look on my face. I shrugged.

"Yeah, kind of." I sighed. I watched Caitlin slightly. She turned ehr beautiful head to me and blushed as she noticed me staring. I smiled at her.

"Can I just make a suggestion?" Adam asked. We all looked at him.

"Mitch, grow a pair and ask Caitlin out. Jerome, ask Michaela out." He said. I blushed.

"Run Adam," Jerome hissed. Adam ran and Jerome chased him. I could hear their screams when they were halfway down the hall.

"They're so childish." Ian laughed.

"Oh, and you aren't?" Ty retorted.

I chuckled as they started arguing.

"Fight me at PAX bro!" Ty yelled.

"We'll be at PAX in like an hour, so, get ready!" Ian replied.

"We have an hour until PAX? But I want fooooooooood." Libby whined.

"Me too," Caitlin said. Both girls had their hands on their stomachs.

"I'm actually fine," Michaela shrugged.

"You never eat." Libby reminded her. She just shrugged again.

"I'll go get you some food real quick." Preston offered to them.

"Sure," Libby said, smiling.

"I'll wait," Caitlin smirked. Libby rolled her eyes and followed Preston out of the door.

"I bet you," Jason said to Quentin. "They'll come back holding hands."

"Deal," He replied.

~Libby's P.O.V.~

Preston and I had stopped to McDonald's to get food. Caitlin hated this place, so we didn't bother with her. We would have gone to Tim Horton's but......Oh well. Too far away.

I reached over Preston to grab my pop from the drivethrough worker when I nearly fell right onto his lap. I blushed and pulled myself back, placing the pop in the cup holder.

"S-Sorry," I blushed.

"It's fine girl," He smiled. I smiled back and got lost in his gorgeous brown eyes. I leaned in and he did, too.

"A-hem," The worker cleared their throat. I jumped back, blushign brighter than before. Preston blushed, grabbed the rest of our order, and drove off. That worker is going to have a story to tell now...

Preston pulled back into the hotel parking lot. I looked up at him, finishing my pancakes. He smiled at me and wiped some syrup off of the corner of my mouth.

Gently, he carrassed my face. I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me. Soon enough, I felt his soft lips against mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt one of his hands gently curve around my small waist. I kissed him back, and felt his kisses grow slightly more and more hungrier with each second.

I pulled back for air. My body started to shake and I felt the urge to run. I usually do this when it comes to things like this....

Instead, I carefully unbuckled my self and got out of the car. I waited for him to get out, too, and in an awkward silence, we walked back to the room.

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