Chapter 4

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~Michaela's P.O.V.~ 

I sat on the floor of the living room with a smile on my face and phone in hand, texting Jerome. I still couldn't believe we had met our idols AND now had their numbers. It seemed too good to be true. 

"Texting Jerome?" Libby asked, nudging me in the arm. 

I gave a quick nod, smiling even wider, "I can't believe they came to surprise us at PAX." 

"Me either... I can't believe I ran.." She mumbled, looking down. 

"It's completely understandable though." Caitlin added. "I mean, after what happened with D'Angelo, and all." 

She was right. It was exactly what any of the rest of us would have done if it had happened to us and someone was flirting with us. There's no way she's just going to let Preston in easy, and I'm sure he's willing to keep trying.  I went back to texting Jerome, seeing if we could all hang out at some point. I was going to help Preston out by giving him chances to get to know her, and for her to get to know him. Maybe, just maybe she'd let him in.

"Jerome said we can all come over tomorrow if you guys want..  I don't know about you guys, but I want to." I said.

"I'm in. I think it'll be fun!" Caitlin said. 

Libby hesitated before answering, "I guess.. Sure. Why not?" 

~Preston's P.O.V.~ 

"Hey Purrston.. I seee youu" Mitch said, shooting me and earning the 'headshot' achievement for the match and winning the round.

"Mitch! Why!?" I shouted while laughing. "Next round we're teaming! Let's play zombies." 

I clicked out of the game we had just finished and set up the zombies game. 

"Guys, you think the girls could come over for a while tomorrow? It'll give you a good chance to hang out with Libby, and Mitch and I can see Caitlin and Michaela." Jerome asked, staring down at his phone probably reading the text Michaela had just sent. 

Mitch smiled at the mention of Caitlins name, "Sure. What do you think Preston? Want them to come over for a while tomorrow?" He asked me. 

I shrugged slighly before answerind, "Yeah, why not?" 

I acted as casual as possible, but on the inside I was already getting nervous. She was the main reason I came to PAX, and I didn't want to scare her off. I think I already did at PAX, and I didn't want to make it any worse.. So maybe hanging out with her and letting her get to know me will be a good thing. Maybe I'll give her my number, and maybe just maybe after a while, she'll give me a chance. I hope. 

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the kind of shortish chapter. I'm in school and I wanted to get in a quick chapter.. Shhh cx I hope you all have a good daaaaay. ^-^

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