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~Michaela's P.O.V.~

Caitlin came running down my driveway and nearly ran right into my door. I laughed at her and waited for her to help herself inside.

"What's up?" I asked her as she ran into the living room, huffing and puffing.

"Guess.......what....." She huffed. I giggled at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Tickets to PAX are on sale!" She cheered, a smile huge on her face.

"Really?!" I yelled in excitement. Ever since we've met we've been wanting to go to PAX to meet Team Crafted.

"Yes!" Caitlin grinned. I smiled wider.

"GUYS OMG GUESS WHAT!" Libby, my roomate, yelled as she burst into the house. I glared at her.

"Where were you?" I shouted. The smile was immediately wiped off her face.

"Uhm....I.....I was....." She stuttered, tripping over her own words.

"Were you with D?" I asked her. She nodded her head. "The whole night?" The silence and fall of her head answered my question. I was fueled with rage. "WHY WERE YOU WITH THAT JERK THE WHOLE D@MN NIGHT LIBBY?!"

Libby's head snapped up to meet mine and she glared right back at me. "Michaela, he's changed."

"Has he? Or is it just cuz he isn't engaged anymore?" I snarled.

"Girls!" Caitlin yelled, trying to break our petty fight apart. She was always the peaceful one in our group, to be honest.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "Just looking our for her."

"Sorry," Libby muttered. Then, the smile returned to her face. "I got us three tickets to PAX!"

"REALLY?!" I yelled, forgetting we were just arguing. Caitlin and I pulled her into a hug.

"PAX is in three weeks. We better get packing." I told them, smiling wide.

~Jerome's P.O.V.~

Mitch, Preston, and I sat in Mitch's room, bored. There was nothing to do at all today. It was the beginning of summer, though.

"Guys, are we going to PAX?" Preston asked, rolling onto his back and staring at his phone.

"Yeah," Mitch said. "Why?"

"Tickets are on sale," Preston said. "I just bought mine."

"Sweet!" I said, pulling up my laptop to buy mine. Mitch did the same.

"Oh baby," He said. "I am so ready for this!"

"Me too," I smiled. I really needed something to do. The girl I was dating had decided to just, stop. What was I going to do now?

"Hey G," Preston said, showing me his phone. There was a video on the screen and in the video, three girls were playing. There was a little square up at the top with facecam.

"Hey, Libby," One girl's voice said. It was soft and beautiful to my ears. Wait....What?

"Yeah?" The girl in the facecam replied.

"Look, it's a lava creeper," A third girl's voice said. "I bet you wish it were Preston."

"Shut up!" Libby, the facecam girl, shouted. "Michaela, I swear! I will buy you a d@mn Chewbacca right now and make you make out with it because you love Jerome so much!"

"Hey!" The first girl, Michaela, giggled.

"Girls, girls, what about me?" The third girl said.

"Well....We can't really get you Mitch, Caitlin." Michaela chuckled.

"These girls must love us," I said as Preston paused the video. He scrolled through the one girl's channel, which was named LibbyLovesLapis.

"They're huge fans of Team Crafted and The Creatures," Preston said. "Oh, hey, a vlog!"

"Hey there my lovely Lapises! Hope you're all having a great day! I know I am! I have a few things I want to talk about to you about." Libby's voice flitted through Preston's phones speakers. Mitch, Preston, and I listened.

"Well, first off, you know the guy I've been telling you all about? I only tell you his name is D, but really, that's just a nickname. His real name is D'Angelo. Well.....I've been hanging out with him more and I just might not be single anymore! But don't tell Michaela, she'll be pissed beyond belief, because she thinks I'll get hurt. Ehh, whatever! Anyway, onto the next thing!"

Preston's eyes looked hurt at the mention of the girl not being single anymore. I had to admit she was cute. Preston couldn't like her though, he doesnt know her! But since Sara dumped him, it's been hard on him.

"Caitlin, Michaela, and I are all going to PAX! You heard me! PAX! We're looking forward to meeting our EnderPearls, Lapises, and Artists. So, if you guys are going, come say hi! Don't be shy, like me! Just come up and ask for a hug or autograph or whatever! Oh, I'm so excited! And Team Crafted will be there! And Preston! Oh I just love him!"

"We know!" Someone shouted in the background.

"HEY!" Libby shouted back, laughing. "Shut up Caitlin! We all know you love Mitch!"

Preston stopped the video. We all looked at each other.

"Think we should surprise them at PAX?" Mitch asked.

"Oh yeah," I nodded.

"So, we follow them on Twitter, subscribe on Youtube, and find out where they're having meetings. We find them, and make them super happy." Preston grinned.

"Three weeks doods," Mitch said, getting up and stretching. "We've got three weeks until PAX."

A/N: Hey guys! Libby here! I just wanted to say we added Nialler55 to our account! She's awesome! So yeah! This is a new story we'll be working on. And Caitlin, I accidentally deleted the intro you did. Whoops! Sorry! And I didn't know what you'd call your fans so I called them Artists. And Michaela, I called yours EnderPearls. So yeah! Comment down below what you guys think!

Trio of Love (A Team Crafted FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant