World Of Supernaturals: Chapter 14

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Nikki's P.O.V.

Jeremy was acting funny, but I didn't want to think about that right now. So much was going on.

I walked with Tori in the garden.

We had just finished training and I had just learned how to retain a power once I had "stolen" a piece of it.

I was still shaken up from using my power.

We are useless. We don't help we just copy.. I hate myself.

I hate what I am.

Tori was trying to comfort me.

I turned to her. "You don't understand! You were born with your power. You have always known that you had a purpose. Your talent."

I siighed, turning away. "I wasn't born with that. I don't have a purpose. I wasn't born with the any talent, or ability. I am a useless piece of junk that doens't have a place on this earth."

I started to walk away. "I am only junk."

Jeremy's P.O.V. (There will only be a few of these.)

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. 

Something wasn't right, and I couldn't put my finger on it.

I stood and a wave of nausia swept over me.

I swooned to the side and grabbed a nearby wall to keep myself upright.

I walked down the hall, the world spinning around me. 

I kept bumping into the wall because my  balance was shot.

"Kyle!" I screamed.

He didn't answer.

I fell to the ground and felt the cool tile of the floor on my hot sweaty forehead.

Things were starting to come back.

I pushed myself to my knees and wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

I remember! Avery and Kyle aren't my friends, they are my enemy!

I rubbed my head.

Nikki is my friend.

I sharp pain stabbed behind my temple.

I grabbed my head and screamed.

Then I stood, but I wasn't the one telling my legs to move.

I cursed in my head. They must have installed a back up plan in case that stuff wore off!

I started walking into the kitchen area of the large mansion.

I saw the door.

I tried to run for it, but it didn't work.

My body, or who ever was controling it, reached for a note.

Avery's swirly handwriting said, "Jeremy, Kyle and I went off to get Nikki. Stay here."

NO! I screamed, but nothing came out. I watched helplessly as my body went and sat on the couch, casually turning on the T.V.

My phone rang. My body picked it out of my pocket and put it to my ear.


AVERY! I screamed in my head. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME! I wish I could talk, but my mouth wouldn't move.

"Hi." My body, the Jeremy I couldn't control, casually said. "What's up?"

"I'm here and we've fooled Nikki and her friends. We are inside their hideout."

LET ME OUT! I screamed in my head, but of course, no words came out of my mouth.

"That's great!" My controlled body said.

Avery sounded excited. "Soon we will be finished with Nikki, and have no one standing in our way!"

DON'T TOUCH NIKKI! I tried to yell.

"How will we get rid of them?" The other me asked. Not the thing I wanted to say.

"We will kill her, and her friends on the good side as well,"

I felt myslef break down inside. No! Avery please! I will do anything! Don't kill her please!

"Who's gonna do the dirty work?" My body asked, praying in my head that she wasn't about to say what I was  thinking.

"I have just the person for the job!"

No. Don't say it.

"Who?" Jeremy asked.

Please! NO! I prayed.




Betcha didn't see that coming! Well, maybe you did.. . but hey!

I figured it would add a little tension! I will be doing little Jeremy, chapters every now and then...








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