World Of Supernaturals: Chapter 13

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Avery's Point of View

Jeremy pressed his lips against mine.

I was about to push him away but he pulled away frist.

He looked to the ground, "Why did I just do that...?" He mumbled to himself pressing his hand on his forhead.

I smiled a little, "Don't worry Jeremy," I whispered in his ear, making him shiver a little, "We can just forget if you want," I told him, taking a hold of his hand.

I closed my eyes and I transported us back to the capitol house.

We arived in one peice, and Jeremy let go of my hand quickly, probably because he was embarrased.

"Jeremy, go ahead and go to your sleeping quarters, you will need a good nights sleep, tomorrow we will find Nikki and her friend," I paused feeling anger boiling up, "And destroy them,"

"Sure-- I mean, yes Avery," He stuttered before walking past me and towards the sleeping quarters.

I smiled. Tomorrow I would find out what his power was,, I know he could see the future, but as I thought before, he wouldn't have gotten into Mr.Cayli's faucility for just being able to see the future.

I saw Kyle walking towards me and he smiled a little bit, "After we squeeze the power that Jeremy has out of him tomorrow, I know where we have to go."

"You found the place? I thought it was invisable to anyone but the people with.... good in there hearts?"

"Eactly how I got someone to find it for me," He smirked.

"What?" I gasped.

"Remember this?" He asked, creating a map with a couple of red dots on it.

"Oh my god! The tracker!" I exclaimed looking at the map. "I had forgotten about the tracker I threw at the dragon girl!"

In the map, was a red dot, in the middle of no where, and now that we knew their location, we could destroy those goodie-goodies.

People had to realize that the world wasn't as nice as it seemed, and the only thing that was going to stop us from completing our world domination, were those good do-ers over there at that angels place.

"Alright, after we get Jeremy to tell us all he can do... We'll go. They take forever to formulate a plan anyway, we'll have the advantage," Kyle said.

I nodded my head. This would be one of the best plans yet.

<LATER> (P.S. JAKE!!! Can you make this have spaces in it? you know, like the other chapters, my computer wont let me do it.) (DONE! -J) (HOORAY! -L)

"Come on Jeremy," I said pulling him outside into the front garden. Time to test his skills out.

"What is it Avery? I thought we were going later!" He protested as if he was a five year old.

"Ok, Now that you are in with me an Kyle," I let go of his hand and turned to him, "You're gonna have to tell us all you can do. And I mean ALL of it."

He looked from side to side, "I'm a future see-er," He told me, but I could tell there was more.

"And?" I tried to make him say what else he had to offer.

"And... nothing..." He looked from side too side, obviously lieing.

"Come on Jeremy, theres gotta be more, why can't you just tell me?"

"Fine." He said looking to the side fast. "But only you and Kyle will know?" He asked.

"Of course, I just want to know what you have, so then w--you can use it to your full ability," I told him.

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