World Of Supernaturals: Chapter 4

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Nikki's Point of View

I watched Avery run out and I ripped the necklace from my neck. If it was making Avery act like this...

I shook my head.

I knelt down and helped Avery's mom to her feet.

She was shaking badly and she definitely didn't look so good. Her face was pale and she could barely hold herself upright. I sat her on a chair, where she stayed, staring at the door which her own daughter ran screaming out of.

I hurried down to Avery's room to grab my phone I was reaching for it when I heard a noise. I whirled around to stare in the direction of her closet.

To my surprise Avery was there.

"Avery? When did you get back?" I asked.

"I was just leaving." Then she turned and stepped into her closet.

I jumped up and ran to her closet. I waded through her pile of clothes. She had a lot, believe me.

I reached the back. I felt around, but she had disappeared.

 I stepped back. "How in the heck!?!?" I shook my head and ran upstairs. Avery's mom was still dazed and sitting on the chair that I had set her in. I waved my hand in front of her face.

She didn't move.

I shook her.

Still nothing. She was stiff. Frozen.


Things were not going well.

I picked up the delicate figure of Avery's mom and set her in her room. 

Then I closed the door and retrieved the box. 

"False bottom." I whispered. Then I ran my fingertips along the bottom of the box. There was a slight crevice on one side. 

Using the crevice I pulled.

The bottom opened like a door. 

"A false bottom!" 

There was a small clip. I pulled it out. It looked normal. 

I ran my fingers over it and found a small button. 


To my surprise the small little clip magically extended into a sword.

I twisted it in my hand. I grinned.

I can work with this.

I heard a knock at the door.

I quickly closed the box and hid it. 

I stuck the clip in my hair and ran to the door.

When I peeked out, I couldn't see anyone there.

I opened the door and looked around.

Before I knew it, I was pushed up against the wall.

There, before me, stood a boy. He looked to be my age and he held me up by the throat.

He grinned at me, his green eyes glinting in the sunlight.

"Are you Avery?"

I shook my head, all the while trying to pry his hands from my throat.

He blinked in surprise and flicked his blonde hair out of his eyes. 

"You're not?"

I shook my head again.

His eyes widened.

He immediately let go of my throat.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry."

I fell to my knees gasping for air.

He reached down and picked me up. I mean literally picked me up. He held me like I was a baby.

He took my into the house and set me on a chair.

"I'm so sorry! I really am."

I stared at his beautiful eyes. "Who are you?"

He smiled and my heart melted. "I'm Jeremy."

"Hi. I'm Nikki. Now why do you need Avery?"

HIs fists clenched. "I told her to be careful! I told her to watch out for those stupid necklaces!"

I sat straight up. "How did you know about that?"

Jeremy smiled again. "I can see the future." 


 OH SNAP! --Lianna

Didn't see that comin now did ya!?!?

Sorry for taking so long, Lianna! 

I think that Nikki has a little bit of a crush! XD

So your question of the chapter!

Should she trust Jeremy?

We'll have to wait and see!

So for me,

VOTE!!! ('cause it makes me feel loved)

COMMENT!!! ('cause it makes me feel loved)

and FAN!!!! ('cause it also makes me feel loved)


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