World Of Supernaturals: Chapter 11

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Avery's Point Of View

He blinked his eyes opened and I smiled.

"Wha..?" He started as he sat up and met my eyes.

"Good morning sleepyhead," I giggled as he stretched.

"Where's..." He looked around again and his eyes widened. "Where's Nikki?!? What did you do with her?!?" He shouted shoving me against the wall.

"I didn't do anything, I just brought you... Not Nikki,"

"Where is she," He spat, tightening the grip on my neck.

I didn't worry though, I knew he didn't have the strength to kill me... no one did. "Now why would I tell you that? If I told you, you would just go back to her... and not stay here, where you will be protected,"

"I don't care about anything else, where is she... TELL ME NOW!"

Time to take action, I thought in my head as I closed my eyes, and I appeared behind him, "Now, we can do this easy, or we could do this.. the hard way," I told him, I closed my eyes and I held out a glass of... well, I guess you could say it looked and tasted like water.

"What is that?" He asked backing away.

"Something that will make your life much, much easier," I handed him the glass and his hand shook a little.

"What will happen?" He asked.

"That's the surprise, but I promise, that if you drink it, all the memories of Nikki and that little snippet of your life... will disappear," I said, smiling, hoping he would take the bait.

"All the memories.. including you?" He asked looking down at the glass.

"Everything," I nodded.

He looked around before looking at the glass and taking a drink.

A smile spread across my face as he dropped the glass to the floor, it shattered but quickly evaporated.

It was almost as if he was frozen, before a shiver shook his body and he blinked his eyes.

He looked at me and his eyes were a midnight black.

"Jeremy? Are you ok?" I asked, stepping towards him.

He shook his head before standing straighter and looking me in the eye. "I've never felt better," He voice rumbled through the room.

I wondered what Kyle had put in the drink that I had given Jeremy, but I pushed the question aside as I realized this powerful man was now our ally. "Jeremy," I tried to sound a little helpless as I said the next couple of words, "There are these people... We need to catch them and put them in jail... Would you help me?" I asked him.

"Of course Avery," He said looking into my eyes.

"Then come on," I tried to hide the smile in my voice.

We walked outside, and I clutched his hand. I reached myself into his mind and we traveled to the spot where I suspected Nikki had been last.

"Where are they?" I asked looking around, seeing nothing but pawsteps.

Did the dogs get to them? I asked myself.

"I think they went that way, I can tell something left here in a rush," He said pointing to a scramble of paw steps running in the opposite direction we came.

"Then let's follow, we probably have lost about 10 hours on them," i said looking at the dark sky that was filling with stars.

I imagined a small floating object that could hold us in, and it evolved around us.

It sped off, following the paw marks and I hoped we would reach Nikki.


We approached where the paw steps stopped, and where I had heard a wolf howling at the moon.

"Here," I handed him a dagger that I had created.

"See if their there... I'm sure Nikki will find no trouble in running back to you," I smirked before he went into the small patch of trees.

I heard some one yell, before a dragon flew out of the trees, Nikki, clinging to its back.

"Your not getting away that easy," I said, I crated a tiny chip and flew it towards the dragon, it attached itself somewhere and now I could track them wherever they went, unless they managed to remove it... which I didn't think is possible.

I watched them, fly deeper and deeper into the sky.

"Avery... They got away..." He told me disappointed.

"Don't worry, We'll get them someday," I said looking at the sky.

He stood next to me, and I looked into his eyes, his eyes weren't dark anymore, they had returned to a normal green, but I knew he was still on our side. If he wasn't he would have gone with them, or managed to escape already.

I was too busy thinking, that I didn't notice that Jeremy cupped my face in his hands.

I searched his eyes for what he was doing, before he pressed his lips against mine.



Mind has now been blown right?

Did NOT epect that did you?

Thought that Nikki and Jeremy were together but.... NOPE!

(NO!! LIANNA! WHY!?!?!??! I wanted Jeremy... grr... It is ON! XD -Jake)


Alright, hopefully you can do something with that Jake? :D

(I'll figure something out... -Jake)

Alright, I'll see you all...






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