World Of Supernaturals: Chapter 3

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Avery's Point Of View

I watched as my mother dropped to the floor, the dish shattering in many different pieces.

"Mom!" I yelled running towards her and picking her head up and cradling it on my knees.

"Oh my gosh... oh my gosh ... what should we do?" Nikki said panically to me.

I looked down at my mother and her eyes blinked open. "Mom thank god!" I breathed giving her a hug.

She sat up a little and blinked a few more times, "What happened Ave--" She paused as she saw my necklace again.

"Are you ok mom?" I asked.

"Dear, where did you get th-those necklaces?" She stuttered nervously.

"Uhm.... In that stream behind our house... Why? What's the matter?" I asked her confused.

"You need to get rid of them... right now." She told us sternly.

"No way! I love this!" I said backing up and grasping my necklace.

"Avery. As your mother I am demanding you t--"

"No! I love it... It's like it was made just for me..." I mumbled almost hypnotized by it's beauty.

"Get. Rid. Of. It. Now." She spat getting up and reaching for it.

Nikki snapped her hand in between us blocking my moms path. "You guys, why should we get rid of these necklaces? Tell us why, and maybe then we will." She said.

"Alright, you need to get rid of them, or else... bad things will start happening."

"Like what? Nothing has happened so far!" I yelled at her.

"Like... You have no idea what those necklaces could mean to you, they will make you the most powerful beings in the world, but if anyone sees them, you will be attacked, people want them you know. They want to be powerful. That's why you are acting crazy, almost... mean."

"I am not acting mean, I'm just acting the way I should be acting. I will not take this necklace off. Ever." I spat, my anger boiling over.

"Are you ok Avery?" Nikki reached over and touched my arm slightly and I flinched away.

"I'm fine... I just... need to take a walk." I stuttered before running out of the house and back to the stream.

I dodged trees as I ran to the stream, clutching the necklace. Ever since I put it on, I had felt a little different... a little.... more powerful. It wade me feel like I could take on the world... make it... mine.

I sat down at the stream. I dipped my feet in, and clasped the necklace. I sighed and then decided I could... use this... extra power to my advantage.

I held out my hand and imagined a ball of unlimited fire, to be spit out of my hand.

I thrust ed my hand forward and a stream of light fire shot from my hand. I smiled to myself. This wouldn't be half bad.

My mind drifted to all the other things I could do, and I stopped on one particular thought. I concentrated and once again I thrusted my hand forward.

Around me, a blizzard apeared, and I thought of a passageway underneath me, leading to my room.

I felt around the ground before it lifted and I traveled down into the darkness.

A fuzzy warmth closed around me before I fell out of my closet.

I smiled to myself. Why would my mom want me to give up all this power?

"Avery? When did you get back?" Nikki asked me as she leaned in through the doorway. my mind wandered before I found exactly what I needed.

"I was just leaving," I smirked at her before I felt myself slip back into the portal I had created and back to the Forest.

I looked around and smirked.

I knew I could make this world mine, this necklace would make sure of that.


Hola mi amigos!

I hope your May is going well, I get off on June 15..... YUCK!! And then to top it off, I have to go and retake fricken Math! AGAIN! Stupid freshman math, I hate this! i am not going to ned math when I'm a therepist or somthing (:

(You wanna be a therapist? -Jake)

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ok guys! Please, for us...





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