Chapter 22

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~Sam's POV~

After explaining to my dad exactly what I had gone through with Ryan, it's a good thing that he was arrested. My dad was ready to kill him, so he is far safer behind bars. I had found a small house not far from where my parents live for rent, so I decided to go and check it out. It was a lake front cabin, and it reminded me so much of my cabin back in Georgia, so obviously I had to take it. I was only gone from my parents house for about an hour, and I got a text from my mom.

"Come home ASAP please!" I wasn't sure what she needed me back so quickly for.

"God dammit. Guess shopping for furniture is out today." I sighed. I was really hoping to be moved in by tonight, by now that won't happen. Not knowing exactly why my mom needed me so quickly, I jumped right into my truck and sped home. Lucky for me, it's all back roads, and cops just don't pay attention around here. I pulled into my parents driveway, jumped out of the truck and ran quickly towards the house.

"Mama!?" I called out, but to my surprise, the house seemed to be empty. I walked quietly through the house. I thought I could faintly hear whispers coming from the back yard, so I made my way to the back door. 

"Mama, daddy? Y'all home?" I opened the back door, and to my surprise everyone in my family was standing there with huge smiles spread across their faces.

"Surprise!" They all cheered in unison causing me to giggle. I walked down the steps and was soon enveloped in hug after hug. I was talking with my uncle when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and couldn't believe who was there.

"Christopher! Oh my God!" I wasted no time in jumping into my big brothers arms. Christopher is four years older than me, but he and I have been best friends since the day I was born. I haven't seen him in almost two years, our only contact has been the occasional phone call, and letters. Chris has been over seas in Afghanistan for the military. I cried onto my brothers shoulder, and he cried onto mine. I can't believe he is really here.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be home until Christmas." Chris let go of me and chuckled.

"What, you don't want me here?" I slapped his arm.

"Of course I fuckin want you here. I just can't believe it!" We both laughed.

"I see you still ain't any more lady like huh?" I smiled.

"Now what the fuck would be the fun in that?" Chris smiled and rolled his eyes.

"So listen. I want to sit and talk, you wanna take a walk with me to our old spot?" I smiled and nodded.

"lead the way big brother." Chris smiled and led us into the woods to our old hiding spot. Our spot was an old hunting stand high up in a big oak tree about a half mile from our parents house, so it didn't take too long to get there. I knew Chris was serious about whatever he wanted to talk about because he didn't say a word the entire way out to the tree. It only took about ten minutes to get there, and he and I climbed up and sat on the edge of the thick wood floor and let our feet hang over the edge. I sighed happily.

"Just like old times huh?" Chris nodded.

"So what'd ya wanna talk about?" Chris turned his body so he was completely facing me.

"Why'd you leave Georgia? Every letter you wrote to me you just sounded so happy. You were away from Ryan and all the drama, and whoever that Daryl guy was, you seemed pretty happy with him. Then the first day you come back you run into Ryan and, don't lie, I know you're hurt, not only mentally but physically. So who did it?" Chris was angry, so he was rambling. I put my hand up to stop him.

"Look. Yes, I am hurt. Ryan, he came to Georgia a couple of weeks ago and h-he threw me down the stairs. But, look he's in prison now, and he's got a long sentence ahead of him, so I just want to forget about it. Second, yes. What I had with Daryl was, well it was amazing. But, one drunken mistake on his part and he scared me. He said I was his property and all I could think of was Ryan, and I got scared and I haven't spoken to him since. Not even to say goodbye and Chris, it's killing me." I put my head down and let the tears fall. Chris sighed next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Listen lil sis. First of all, that mother fucker better be glad he is in prison. Cause if I could get to him, he'd be a dead man right now." I chuckled.

"Second, I have to know. Do you love this Daryl person?" In that moment, I froze. Do I love Daryl? I stayed silent for a minute.

"I-I think I do. But, Chris, I fucked it up. He's not ever going to want me back." Chris sighed.

"Listen, I can't tell you what to do, but if I were you, I'd talk to him." I shook my head.

"I can't. I just need to let him go. He deserves better." I climbed down the latter and started walking back to the house. Just let him go. He deserves better. You don't love him. You don't need him. He doesn't love or need you. I just kept repeating these things in my head over and over hoping that I could convince myself that they were true. No matter what, I knew that I needed to stay in Vermont for awhile. I wiped the tears from my eyes and put on the most convincing smile that I could muster before walking out of the woods and back into the yard with my family. The music was playing loud, the alcohol was being passed around and everyone was laughing and smiling, but there was still someone missing. Jess, my favorite cousin. Her and I were the closest in age, and to me she was like a little sister. Jess is just one of the most interesting, yet amazing people that you will ever meet. She is so much like me in so many ways, but yet so different. Jess is twenty two, and just like me she loves the outdoors. While my passion is nursing, hers just so happens to be her pet snake, Rex. I sighed. Strangely enough at that moment her dad, my uncle Patrick came over to me.

"I wish Jess was here. I miss her like crazy." My uncle chuckled.

"Funny you say that." I furrowed my eye brows. My uncle turned towards the house and waved at the door. My eyes went wide as Jess stepped out onto the porch.

"Holy shit. Jess!" We ran towards each other and attacked each other with a hug. We fell to the ground laughing.

"I missed you Sammie!" I chuckled.

"I missed you too Jess!" Now, I knew that with my whole family by my side, I would be okay to stay here. Maybe now, I could finally be happy.

[A/N: Sorry y'all, this chapter sucks. I always have a hard time getting back into the swing of things after not writing for awhile. I promise, they will get better! I apologize again!]

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