Chapter 17

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~Sam's POV~

I can't believe what he did. I thought that for once, I had found somebody that actually cared about me, but again, I was wrong. I was never one to cry about things, but with Daryl it was different. I thought that we could really have something, I thought that he would treat me with respect, as an equal. But just like Ryan, he simply saw me as property. I couldn't stop the flow of tears, and I hated myself for it. I didn't want to cry over Daryl, he didn't deserve to be cried over. But, I just couldn't stop. I heard a knock at the door, so I hoped and prayed that it was Sabrina and not one of the guys. I moved the curtain away from the window and sighed with relief when I saw my best friend standing their. I wiped my eyes, and unlocked the door. Sabrina stepped in and threw her things on the floor and wrapped me into a tight hug. As soon as I was in her arms, I broke down again.

"Shhh, I know. Merle told me. Sweetie, I am so so sorry." I cried harder.

"Why does this always happen to me. What did I do to deserve this?" Sabrina pulled away and held my shoulders in her hands.

"You listen to me. You didn't do anything okay? Remember what your mama always says? You have to weed out the garden before the flowers will bloom. Ryan and Daryl are just weeds in the garden okay? The right one will come. I promise." With that Sabrina pulled me into her again. There was another knock at the door.

"I'll get it, you go sit down okay?" I nodded and made my way to the couch. About five minutes later Sabrina came back in with Merle in tow. I rolled my eyes and stood up to go to my bedroom. I didn't want to see Merle right now, he may not be Daryl, but I don't much care.

"Sam, please wait." I stopped, but I didn't turn around.

"Listen, I know Daryl shouldn't have said any of those things, but you gotta understand, he didn't mean any of it. I'm the idiot who gave him hard liquor even though I knew that it makes him a dick and I'm sorry. Daryl knows what he did was wrong and he feels like shit. You gotta believe me Sam, he even told me that you're the best thing that's ever happened to him. He needs you Sam. Everybody else has walked out on him, please don't do that to him too. He can't handle losing you too." Tears were streaming down my face now. I looked over to Sabrina who had her hand on my shoulder, and she nodded. She must have heard what Daryl said, otherwise she wouldn't believe it. I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes. I was having a serious battle with myself. I want to be with Daryl, I really do. He made me feel so special today, like I was the only girl in the world, and I loved it. But on the other hand, I'm so scared that what happened tonight will happen again, or he will treat me just like Ryan did. I shook my head unsure of what to do.

"Please Sam. He needs you." Does he really? Does he need me, or does he just want something to claim as his? One way or another, I'm going to have to face him at work on Monday, so I have to suck it up and talk to him sometime. I don't want him to hurt himself over me, but I also don't want to waste a conversation on him when he is drunk. I turned to face Merle and saw his face drop even more when he saw the tears streaming down my face.

"You go and find him and you get his sorry ass home. I'll think about what I'm going to do about this. I can tell you right now, that he won't be off the hook anytime soon though. Got it?" Merle nodded.

"Listen, I'm sorry for giving him the drinks." I shook my head.

"You ain't got nothing to be sorry for, he knew what they do to him, he didn't have to take them. So it's his own fault." Merle nodded.

"Are, uh you still coming to work on Monday?" I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be there." Merle nodded and headed out the door to find Daryl. I rubbed my hands over my face and groaned in frustration.

"Fuck my life!" Sabrina chuckled and lead me back to the couch.

"Hey, let's have a few beers and have a movie night and eat some fattening food huh?" I chuckled and nodded.

"I fuckin love you Brina." Sabrina giggled and hugged me.

"Love you too babe." Sabrina picked out a movie while I grabbed two beers and a shit ton of candy. We watched movies and talked all night, just like old times when we were teenagers. I had even forgotten about the incident with Daryl for a little while which is exactly what I needed. I'm so glad that I have my best friend around right now.

~Daryl's POV~

I walked through the woods not really knowing or caring where I was going. I came out of the woods and found that I had somehow made my way to the lake. I sat on the rock by the shore and sighed. I can't believe that just a few hours ago she was in my arms and everything was absolutely perfect, and now she probably never wants to see me again. I really fucked up this time. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes again, but I quickly wiped them away when I heard a rustling in the bushes. I jumped down from the rock ready to defend myself from whoever or whatever it was. In my head I was praying that it was her, but I knew in my heart that it wasn't. I sighed and sat back on the rock when I saw that it was only Merle.

"Come on brother, let's get you home." I shook my head. I had no reason to go home, I might as well just sit here and wait until I wither away to nothing.

"Daryl Mark Dixon, let's go. Now." Merle never used my first name, let alone my whole name. I turned to face him.

"What's the point Merle? I just ruined the best thing I've ever had. I ain't got nothing to live for now." Merle came over and sat next to me. I'm surprised he wasn't yelling at me and calling me a pussy for even being with her in the first place.

"Look, I talked to her. She said you ain't out of the dog house yet, but I think she believes that you didn't mean what you said. You just gotta earn back whatcha had." I sighed.

"Why're you even tryna help me? I cant believe you ain't yelling at me and calling me a pussy." Merle chuckled.

"Cause baby brother. I can see that you love her, and I want you to be happy, and she's what makes ya happy. So no matter what, I'ma help ya get her back." I nodded.

"Thanks Merle." Merle nodded and stood up.

"Now come on, I got orders from the boss to get your sorry ass home." I chuckled. I was pretty happy that she at least cared enough to make Merle find me and bring me home.

[A/N: I know this chapter was short, but it was really just a filler to show how each of them are handling what happened. Let me know if you want more! :)]

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