Chapter 1

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Character Bio:

Name- Samantha Greenwood

Birthday- September 12

Age- 24

Height- 5'4"

Eye Color- Hazel/Green

Hair- Wavy, Long, Brown/Dirty Blonde

Samantha (Sam) grew up in a small town in Vermont. She went to school to be a teacher, but decided to be a mechanic instead. She moved to Macon Georgia after graduating from the University of Maine.

Chapter 1

I just moved to the small town of Macon Georgia two weeks ago. I bought this beautiful cabin on the lake that was supposed to have been secluded with no neighbors in sight. But, when I got here, I found out otherwise. If you stand on my front porch and look straight ahead, there in the woods sits a small, rinky dink, dirty old cabin that looks like it's about to fall apart. Way to ruin the beautiful view right? I was workin' under the hood of my old 1999 Ford pick-up with the music blaring from the speakers inside when I suddenly heard loud foot steps coming up behind me. Suddenly there was a rough hand on my shoulder.

"Son of a bitch!" I screamed. The hand on my shoulder scared me, and made me jump and hit my head on the opened hood. I spun around to come face to face with an old nasty man, that smelled of stale cigarettes and alcohol.

"Can I fucking help you?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Well hello there sugar, I was just comin' ova to see if ya needed any help on this ole hunk'a shit?" the man said while licking his lips. That just made me want to vomit.

"Thanks, but no. I can take care of it just fine." I turned back to what I was doing before only to have two hands snake around my waist seconds later. I spun around in the arms and again came face to face with the man.

"Why don't you take me inside that perty ole cabin of yours and let ole Merle show ya a good time." He winked at me and licked his lips again.

"How about you get your nasty hands off of me before I shove my foot so far up your ass you'll taste your mother fuckin pancreas." I said sweetly with a devilish grin.

"Now don't get mouthy with me there sweet cheeks. Women don't get to talk to Merle Dixon like that." He smirked and started moving his hands down to grab my ass. I did as my father taught me and grabbed his arm and twisted it so he let go. Then I gave him a swift kick to the back of the knees and sent him hard to the ground. I put my foot on his chest and looked down on him.

"I thought I told you to get your nasty hands off of me?" I said with a slight grin.

"You little bitch!" He screamed and tried to get up, only to be brought back down by a hard hit to the jaw.

"Wanna try for a round three? Or has your dumb ass finally had enough?" Merle looked like he was about to get up and try again, but stopped when someone yelled his name.

"Merle, Get your ugly ass over here!" Despite being called, Merle didn't move from his spot on the ground.

"Merle, let's go! We're goin huntin." I looked at Merle and gave him the dirtiest look I could muster at a moments notice. I heard more footsteps coming towards us, so I turned to walk away.

"Hold up there missy." I heard Merle's crackly voice call to me.

"The fuck you want now asshole." I said bitterly.

"You actually any good at workin on vehicles?" He said to me with an actual interest in his voice.

"I guess, always been able to fix shit without much trouble, my dad and older brother insisted on it. Why?" I asked confused.

"We been lookin for a good mechanic for awhile, and I seen you out here all the time workin on trucks and cars and bikes." Then another man came out from behind the bushes.

"Merle, what the fuck you doin' we're supposed to be huntin, not getting you another whore for tonight." At that moment my blood started to boil. Did he actually think I would sink so low as to fuck a nasty old man like Merle? I know I'm not much to look at, but damn I do have standards!

"Excuse me!?" I almost yelled.

"I'll have you know asshole, I wouldn't fuck this nasty bastard with somebody else's twat! So instead of jumping to conclusions about shit you ain't got a damn clue in the world about why don't you keep your mouth shut!" Now I was yelling, I hate nothing more than when people make assumptions about situations they've half missed. The redneck man looked at me dumfounded.

"Take a picture it'll fuckin last longer." I said making Merle bust out in a laughing fit.

"What the fuck you laughing at asshole!" The man questioned Merle.

"You got told off by a woman man!" Merle couldn't seem to control his laughter, and I could see how red the other guys cheeks were, so I decided to step in and help him, even after the little incident we just had. He may be an asshole like Merle, but there was something about him that made me want to help him.

"Yeah and so did you, not only that you got taken down by one. I seem to remember that being the reason you're on the ground now fuck ass." Merle suddenly stopped his laughing fit and looked up at us. The man next to me, who's name I've still yet to learn, was smirking and I just stood there waiting for a response.

"You know something? You two would be perfect for each other. If only Darylina had a set of balls to talk to women." Merle said with a shit eating grin on his face. Merle got up from the ground and handed me a card.

"Incase you want to take me up on that job offer. Or the other offer. Both still stand sugar tits." He winked at me and walked away back to the cabin across the way.

"Just so you know, my name ain't Darylina. It's Daryl. Daryl Dixon." Daryl looked at his feet like he was nervous.

"You and fuck ass brothers?" I questiond earning a glare from Daryl.

"Yeah." His answer was simple, and just as quick as he was here, he was gone again. I could tell he was a hunter, no rustling of bushes and no footsteps to be heard. He's a stealthy little prick.

[A/N: Thank you everyone that is giving this story a chance. This is my very first story and I will hopefully be updating it often. I will warn you now however, the progression of the story is kind of slow, but I want this to be a real genuine story. Also, Daryl is extremely different, we will see situations where he is his usual hot headed self, but in this story he will mostly be a semi-average guy. Anyways, this is pre-apocalypse, there will not be any walkers in this story.]

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