Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Daryl's POV)

I woke up to the smell of something cooking. I looked over at the couch, and Sam wasn't there. I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Whatcha think you're doin woman?" She didn't look at me.

"What's it look like? We gotta eat somehow, and I sure as hell ain't eatin no damn squirrel." I chuckled. I walked up behind her and watched over he shoulder as she worked.

"Whatcha makin'?" I don't know exactly what it was, but let me tell you, it smelled amazing.

"Homemade fried chicken." She dropped another piece into the hot oil. My mouth was watering now.

"You sure are a jack of all trades huh?" She giggled.

"Sure am, my parents taught me well huh?" I smiled at her.

"They sure did. Need any help?" I didn't want her doing too much quite yet.

"You wanna set the table? Dishes are in that cupboard over there." She pointed to a cupboard over the stove. I nodded and grabbed the stuff we would need. I set the table, and turned off the TV. Sam soon came in with a plate full of golden brown fried chicken and a bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Whatcha want to drink?" I stood up and grabbed her arm and helped her sit.

"You sit, I'll get em. Whatcha want." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm plenty capable. I shook my head.

"Don't be stubborn, you need to take it easy for awhile. Whatcha want to drink?" She sighed.

 "Mountain Dew please." I nodded and grabbed two from the fridge. I went and sat and found my plate already full.

"Thanks." She nodded.

"Here's your drink." It was quiet.

"It's too damn quiet in here, can you reach behind you and hit the play button on the stereo please?" I turned and hit the button, the room was soon filled with soft country music. She smiled.

"Much better." I nodded and ate what was on my plate. I again had three helpings, this was the best fried chicken I've ever had, and I'm from Georgia, so that's saying something.

"You wanna watch a movie?" I nodded and helped her to the living room.

"You pick a movie, I'll clean up dinner." She nodded. I went and cleaned the table and loaded the dishwasher. I came back in and found Sam on the couch. She patted the spot next to her and I sat down.

"What'd ya pick?" She smiled at me and reached over to turn off the lamp. She hit play and the title page for the movie came up.

"Really? You like horror movies?" She picked out Insidious. She nodded her head and hit play. We were halfway though the movie when I noticed that she was shivering.

"Cold?" She nodded.

"Come ere'." I held my arms out to her. She looked at me and cocked an eyebrow at me.

"You gon' come ere or keep on shivering?" She scooted over and layed her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, and to my surprise, I wasn't the least bit uncomfortable, and I hoped she wasn't either. Her breathing soon slowed, telling me that she was asleep. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. I wrapped a blanket around us, and maneuvered so that I could get my feet up on the couch. Sam stirred in her sleep, but only to snuggle more into my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. I could lay like this forever. I soon fell into the best sleep I've ever had.

(Sam's POV)

I was starting to wake up, and I quickly realized, I wasn't in my bed. But whatever I was laying on was comfortable as fuck. I opened my eyes, and realized that what I was laying on wasn't a what, it was a who. Daryl. I turned my head and was met by those amazing blue eyes. He smiled at me.

"G'mornin sleeping beauty." I blushed and snuggled back into his chest.

"Mornin." He chuckled causing my body to shake.

"You have any plans of letting me get up anytime soon girl?" I shook my head and giggled.

"Nope." He laughed.

"Good, cause I don't want you to get up." I smiled up at him.

"You mean you don't mind me laying on you?" He shook his head.

"Never been more comfortable in my life." He smirked at me causing me to blush again.

"Sam?" He sounded nervous.

"Yeah Dare?" He stayed silent for a minute. I looked up at him and found him smirking. Before I knew what was happening, he crashed his lips to mine. I didn't even take a second to think about what I was doing before I started kissing back with just as much passion as he had. He smiled into the kiss. That caused me to smile and giggle too. He licked my bottom lip begging for entrance. I smiled, but denied him, causing him to groan in frustration. I giggled again. His hands found my hips and he placed his hands on them firmly, yet gently, since he knew that I was still sore. He licked my bottom lip again, and this time I parted my lips slightly allowing him entrance. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, but I soon let him have it. I pulled away gently after a few minutes and gently bit his bottom lip earning a small moan from him. I smiled up to him and he smiled at me.

"Was that okay?" I could tell that he was now beyond nervous. I chuckled.

"That was more than okay Dare. That was perfect." He smiled and pulled me into him and hugged me.

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