Chapter 21

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[A/N: This chapter goes out to jazziej3344, reeduslove4eva, and HaleyElizabethSchleg for being amazing fans! Thank y'all so much, and remember the first three people to comment on my updates get a shout out! Love y'all! :)]

~Sam's POV~

After a very long and tear filled ride, I made it safely home to Vermont. I pulled onto the long dirt road that lead to my parents farm and slowed down so that I could take in the beautiful scenery that I have missed so much since I've been gone. I smiled as my dog Lady came up to the car and started following me up to the house. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face when I saw the beautiful house that I spent the first eighteen years of my life. I started getting really excited, I couldn't wait to see my family. While my parents fully supported my decision to move to Georgia, they still missed me like crazy, and I miss them too. I pulled into the driveway, and smiled when I saw that even though I don't live here anymore, the spot that my truck was always parked was still open. I pulled into my spot and shut off my truck. I hopped out and was immedatley met by a very excited Lady. Grizzley jumped out and stood in front of me sniffing her before declaring her safe and walking off towards the house, no doubt looking for food. I took in the smell of beautiful Vermont and smiled after realizing how much I had missed it. After adoring the view for a few minutes, I decided to go inside and finally see my family for the first time in almost two months. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I walked up to the front door. I opened the door and stepped in as quietly as I could, wanting to surprise my mom who I knew would more than likely be making lunch for my daddy, who was no doubt out feeding the cows right now. I tip toed my way towards the large kitchen and peeked around the corner smiling when I saw my mom making fried chicken and singing along to the country music that filled the house. I stepped in and quietly stood in the doorway smiling.

"Mhm, home made fried chicken. Glad I came home when I did." My mom stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned around, as if she was crazy and hearing things. When my mom saw that it was actually me standing in her kitchen, tears started flowing down her face and she ran to me and wrapped me in an extremely tight hug.

"Oh God, I missed you little girl!" I chuckled at how excited my mom was. I really did miss her more than anything. She pulled away and looked me up and down smiling.

"Missed you too mama." She too couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of her face.

"Come on, sit down and have something to eat. You must have been driving all night." I nodded and sat down at the large table. My mom made me a plate with fried chicken and some potato and sat down in front of me. Suddenly she looked at me seriously as if she knew that the reason I was here wasn't good. Which, I wouldn't be surprised if she did, my mom was amazing like that. She could read anyone like an open book, that's where I got it from. She gave me a sad smile as if to ask if what she thought was really the case. I sighed deeply and nodded. My mom put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, which always calms me down, and this time was no different. She looked into my eyes again, knowing that I was about to cry. Being as amazing as she is, she knew and simply opened her arms to me.

"Come here baby." I let the tears fall and fell into my moms arms knowing that this is exactly what I needed. I stayed like this for a few minutes until I decided that I had cried all I was going to. This was my decision, now I need to live with my choices. I pulled out of the hug and gave my mom a small smile to let her know that I was going to be okay, and also as a thank you for always giving me a shoulder to cry on. My mom and I have always had an amazing relationship, and we were always able to have full conversations by just looking at each other. My dad and brother always got annoyed when we did it, but that only made us do it more.

"So, what happened." My mom was always one to get straight to the point, just another thing her and I have in common I sighed and began telling my mom everything, from the moment I got to Georgia and everything that has happened since. As soon as I got to the part about Ryan coming to my house, and what he did to me, my mom looked as if she was about to cry. I was confused by this, because she had known about it already.

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