Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Daryl's POV)

I backed out of Sam's driveway and made my way down the dirt road. I wasn't looking forward to getting home, I knew I was gonna get questioned by Merle on if I like Sam or not. That got me thinking. Did I ask her on a date, or is it just two friends hangin out? Do I want it to be a date? Does she? Do I like her? I decided not to think about it too much, I didn't need the stress. I pulled into the driveway and jumped out of my truck. When I got inside I was surprised to find Merle sober.

"Well hey there baby brother." I nodded and went to my room.

"Well, you gonna fill me in or what." I was confused.

"The hell you talkin bout Merle?" He laughed.

"You and Sammie bangin?" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Merle. You know it ain't like that." He scoffed.

"Well if you don't jump on that soon, I'm gonna." I scoffed.

"Pretty sure she already made it clear that she wasn't interested in your old ass Merle." It was true I remember her exact words. "I wouldn't fuck you with somebody else's twat!" I smirked at the memory. I've only known this girl for a few days and she already has an effect on me.

"Well I can change that." I rolled my eyes.

"No Merle, ya can't. She ain't ever gonna even give you a second look." With that he walked off. I decided I was gonna go for a walk through the woods. It was a nice evening, and the sun would be starting to set soon, so it would be even nicer. I was almost to the lake about a mile from our cabin when I thought I faintly heard someone singing and maybe a guitar. As I got closer, I found out I was right. I slowed down and stepped quietly so as not to scare whoever it was away. I peeked through the bushes and there sat Sam on a big rock, guitar in hand singing a song I wasn't too familiar with, but it was none the less beautiful. I never would have imagined that she had a voice like that. It matched the country song she was singing perfectly. I closed my eyes and let her beautiful voice fill my ears.

"Ohhh ohh. Another day has almost come and gone. Can't imagine what else could go wrong. Sometimes I'd like to hide away, somewhere and lock the door. A single battle lost, but no the war. Cause tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyway. So bring on the rain. It's almost like the hard times circle round'. A couple drops, and they all start comin' down. Yeah, I might feel defeated, and I might hang my head. I might be barely breathing, but I'm not dead, no. Cause tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyways. So bring on the rain. Ohhh ohhh oh. No I'm not gonna let it get me down. I'm not gonna cry, and I'm not gonna lose any sleep tonight. Cause, tomorrow's another day, and I am not afraid. So bring on the rain. Tomorrow's another day, and I'm thirsty anyways, so bring on the rain. Ohhhh ohhh ohhh. No, I'm not gonna let it get me down. I'm not gonna cry. So bring on the ra-ia-ia-ian. Ohhhh ohhh ohh. Bring on the rain. Bring on the rai-ia-ian. Ohh ohh ohhhhh." I was stunned at how amazing of a voice she has. I was broken from my thoughts when someone in front of me cleared their throat. My eyes shot open.

"Did you enjoy the show Dixon?" It was Sam. But, she didn't seem to be angry. She just smirked at me.

"I uh, I didn't hear anything." Lie. She giggled.

"I know you were standing there Daryl. I may be blind, but I'm a hunter. I have exceptional hearing. No matter how quiet you thought you were being." I rubbed the back of my neck. It's a nervous habit I've had for as long as I can remember.

"Didn't think you knew about this place yet." She smiled and walked back to the rock she was sitting on before.

"Found it a couple of days ago. Figured it was a safe place to sing and not be heard, but I guess I was wrong huh." I smirked at her.

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