Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning at six and rolled over surprised that Sabrina was already up. I got up and walked into the kitchen where I smelled fresh made coffee, pancakes and bacon. I was greeted by a smiling Sabrina.

"Good morning sunshine." She was happy, I'm glad, but it's strange after what went on just last night. I was so tired that all I could do was grunt and give her a small smile. That made her giggle and it was great to see her in such a good mood.

"Here's your coffee just the way you like it, a little bit of bacon and a pancake." I smiled at her again and ate and drank the breakfast she made.

"Listen, I know how mad you are at Ricky, but try not to kill him today." I looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow.

"I can't make any promises." I mumbled. That again made her laugh.

"I know you're gonna give him a piece of your mind, and I encourage that, but don't hurt him while your there and lose your job. Okay?" I nodded and got up to go and get dressed. She followed me into my room soon after I was dressed.

"You my friend, are gonna have them poor men drooling. I thought you weren't gonna wear a tank top under it?" I sighed.

"I wasn't going to since it's so hot, but I just think it's best. But I'm wearing my bikini under my clothes incase it gets too hot and I wanna take the tank top off." She smiled.

"We should go after you get out of work and get out belly buttons and tongues pierced." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why?" I was confused. I knew she always wanted it done but I don't know why she wanted me to get mine done too.

"Cause it would just add to your sexiness! I mean you already have a bunch of tattoos." That's true I have tons of tattoos, but I don't have any on my arms, I let that be a man thing.

"Well if that's what you wanna do, let's do it." She smiled and hugged me again.

"Well I guess I better go." This should be interesting. I got in my truck and headed to the Dixon's shop. I pulled in and the first thing I saw was Ricky's truck parked in the lot. I jumped out of my truck and walked inside ready to kick some ass. I was walking in the door when I heard what sounded like Ricky and Merle yelling in Merle's office, so that is where I headed. I was halfway down the hall when I stopped to listen to what they were saying.

"She can't work here Merle, you don't even know her damn last name!" I scoffed. It was more than that ya damn pussy.

"I don't give a fuck Pullen, she's a good fuckin mechanic and she is gonna work here whether you like it or not!" I can't believe that Merle Dixon actually said I was a good mechanic. He's a sexist asshole and from what I know it's not often he gives women real genuine compliments.

"You don't know nothing about her, she could be a murderer for all you know! Merle she can't work here!" I scoffed at his poor excuses.

"Last time I checked, I was the boss here not you Pullen, and if you don't like who works here you can just fuckin leave!" Then I heard another voice. Daryl.

"What the fuck do you have against her working here Ricky, I thought she was your wife's best damn friend. Y'all were all buddy buddy the other damn day at the bar, now you don't want her around. What the fuck man? And just so you know, I know all I need to know about her, actually I know more about her than I know about you, and you still work here don't ya!" I could tell by the sound of his voice that Daryl was pissed now.

"I just don't think she should work here. She's fuckin psycho man!" And I took that as my cue to enter and rip this man a new asshole. I walked to the office and stood in the doorway and smirked.

"You think I'm psycho Ricky?" He spun around and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Trust me honey, you ain't seen nothing yet." With that, Ricky tried leaving the room, but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

"You think I'm gonna let you leave without havin a word with you mother fucker, think again." I was seeing red now.

"How fucking dare you, you worthless mother fucker! Where are all those things you promised her Ricky huh? Where's the better life, the better house the fucking love?" I was right in his face now, and he looked petrified.

"You know everything that girl has gone through, and you were with her through most of it, and you still think you can up and cheat on her! She fucking loved you Ricky! In fact she did nothing but love you! She did everything for you! When you fucking lost your job, she worked three jobs so you could keep your precious fucking truck. She took care of you for six fucking months after your accident. Ricky she is at my fucking house crying over your worthless ass right fucking now! You didn't fucking deserve her, do you hear me, you don't fucking deserve anyone! You were never there for her when she needed you, yet she would always be there for you! Do you know who helped her through not one but two fucking miscarriages? Not you, me! Even though you were together through both! And one of them was your fucking kid! And you know why she lost that fucking baby Ricky? It was because you said you didn't want it so she stopped taking care of herself and it killed the fucking baby!" Everyone was in the room now and they all stared at me wide eyed.

"My suggestion to you would be to get the fuck out of my reach before I do something that lands me in jail. You best get out of that house, because I'm tellin you now everything is going to Sabrina. You get your clothes, you take your piece of shit truck and you get the fuck out. I'm gonna be there when I get out of work, and if I find one thing left that says you were ever there, I will hunt you down and I will shove it up your asshole. And if she tells me you took something that doesn't belong to you I will hunt you down and I will gut you like a fish. And you know I ain't kidding, so don't even think I won't!" My face was red with anger and Ricky, even though he was far larger than I was, was trembling under my fist.

"Now I suggest you get fucking moving before I get any more pissed off!" I let go of his shirt and he ran out of the building as quick as his feet would carry him.

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